How to Help Your Medium Goldendoodle Manage Anxiety

goldendoodle puppy laying in grass

Goldendoodles are intelligent, beautiful dogs. They are a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. They come from two of the friendliest dog breeds and make for happy, bouncy Goldendoodle dogs that are outgoing and fun-loving family members.

A Medium Goldendoodle is a medium to large-sized dog which grows to be 20 to 29 inches tall and weighs between 50 and 90 pounds. It has a wavy or curly coat, and it can be apricot, black, chocolate, red, silver, or brown. A Medium Goldendoodle has a friendly personality. It loves people and will make a great companion for the whole family. This dog is loyal and dependable but also lively and active.

A Medium Goldendoodle is sensitive, so it should not be left alone for too long at home. If you are looking for a dog that will get along well with your children and other pets, this is the right choice. A Medium Goldendoodle adapts well to its environment. It can live comfortably in an apartment or a house with a yard. This breed does best when it gets plenty of exercise. Every day, a long walk will satisfy its energy needs, but it can also be active indoors if there are toys around. The Goldendoodle will respond well to training because it wants to please its owner.

A common health issue affecting many Medium Goldendoodles is stress and anxiety. While your dog may differ in their symptoms, their quality of life will decrease when suffering from stress and anxiety. So how do you help your dog manage anxiety? In this article, we will explain anxiety in a Medium Goldendoodle and the symptoms and treatments.

goldendoodle laying in front of blue background

Medium Goldendoodle Anxiety Explained

Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, unease, or nervousness about something with an uncertain outcome. There are many different theories about what causes anxiety in dogs. First, it is essential to understand that some of the Medium Goldendoodle anxieties require investigation into their family tree. The Poodle parent is stubborn and excessively anxious with new people. At the same time, the Golden Retriever parent is known to be laid-back and easygoing with a need for calming and relaxing spaces. Both parents have distinct personalities that can affect the temperament of the Goldendoodle.

While genetics may play a role, other factors undoubtedly contribute. For example, it may be that your dog had a traumatic experience before you adopted him, he was not adequately socialized as a puppy, or something terrible happened before you got him that has caused him to feel anxious or afraid. Stress can also build up over time due to something in his life that causes him to feel scared and worried (like thunderstorms).

A Goldendoodle may exhibit aggressive behavior if they feel threatened or intimidated. Some well-known triggers include being left alone, loud noises, being left in an unfamiliar area (like the vet's office or groomer), separation anxiety due to changes in routine, and even old age. They may also display separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. In addition, some dogs are stressed by the environment where they're left. This is especially true when a dog goes into a crate in an unfamiliar place all day. Finally, in some cases, dogs are stressed by strangers and/or family friends, even if they are returning to your home, because a new person may be perceived as threatening or dangerous.

Stress is a commonly used word that describes feelings of strain or pressure and often triggers more prolonged-term anxiety in your Medium Goldendoodle. The causes of stress are exceedingly varied. Perhaps your Medium Goldendoodle is stressed out by moving to a new family or becomes nervous when meeting new people, or gets anxious when their daily routine is disrupted. Also, whenever there are many anxious people in a room, it's not uncommon for dogs to show signs of stress and anxiety. Crowds can make all dogs anxious, but the Medium Goldendoodle has a predisposition to the trait. Attending family functions and neighborhood gatherings can be overwhelming or stressful for this type of dog.

Finally, inconsistent training can also cause Goldendoodle anxiety because inconsistency often leads to confusion. For example, if you have rules for your dog but do not enforce them consistently, it can lead to confusion when you ask your dog to do something he has been rewarded for doing in the past. Your dog will become confused as to why he can no longer do this behavior that previously was rewarded and could lead him into feeling anxious or stressed out. Training your dog using positive reinforcement is an excellent way to ensure that your dog never becomes anxious when communicating with you.

Many dog owners have a natural predisposition to assume that all dogs go through periods of anxiety, stress, and general maladjustment. However, the truth is that some dogs can be more prone than others to experience these feelings and their causes are not always apparent.

Treatment of Goldendoodle anxiety or any other form of dog behavior issues should not only be left in the hands of an experienced veterinarian. The first step for you is to determine what might be causing your dog's anxiety.

goldendoodle laying in grass

Symptoms of Anxiety in Your Medium Goldendoodle

Medium Goldendoodles are prone to develop anxiety because they are affectionate and want to be with you. However, just because a breed like the Medium Goldendoodle is prone to anxiety, does not mean every dog will develop the behavior. If you have recently adopted a Medium Goldendoodle or have a Medium Goldendoodle who has newly developed separation, take note of the following signs to determine what is causing your dog's anxious behavior.

Many of the symptoms of anxiety in dogs are also seen in people. When nervous and stressed, we may pace, fidget, or shake. In addition, dogs may also drool, bark, or whine. An anxious Medium Goldendoodle tends to be more reserved around strangers. They may bark at the other dog in the yard or the mailman at the door. They may pace or circle in their crates or beds rather than standing calmly waiting for their owner to come home.

Separation anxiety in dogs is characterized as excessive anxiety associated with being left alone by their owners. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety may show obvious signs of distress such as barking, howling, crying, pacing, and destructive behaviors when left alone. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety may also try to escape out of fear. Unfortunately, some dogs suffering from this behavior may injure themselves trying to escape or cause harm to their owners during an episode of panic. Other signs of separation anxiety include destruction of objects or property and increased vocalization. The Medium Goldendoodle may urinate or defecate in the house, scratch at doors and windows, bark excessively or howl. Loneliness can lead to depression in dogs. If your dog has a history of separation anxiety, you will be better prepared to handle it.

Never punish your dog for behaviors related to separation anxiety. Punishment will only make things worse since it reinforces the idea that being alone equals punishment and can lead to more severe cases of separation anxiety disorder. It will also make it harder for you if you have to leave your dog alone because he associates your going with pain or punishment. Instead, ignore his destructive behavior until he calms down and stops the damaging behavior.

It's essential to get your dog accustomed to being alone as early as possible. One of the best ways is to crate train them. Remember, a crate is a haven for your Medium Goldendoodle. They should never feel sad or lonely in their crate. Ensure they have a soft blanket, chew toys, and water while in the crate. They mustn't associate their crate with any punishment.

An anxious Medium Goldendoodle may be less likely to play with other dogs as they tend to be more reactive in social situations. Some anxious dogs tend to be more "clingy," while others seem distant when approached by strangers. Regardless of the type of behavior displayed, anxious behavior tends to increase when a stranger comes to your house or interacts with your dog in public places such as the park.

Your dog's anxiety symptoms will vary based on the source of his fear, the situation, and his personality. This makes it difficult to pinpoint any one cause for all dogs with separation anxiety or other behavioral issues. Other physical symptoms of anxiety in your Medium Goldendoodle include tail tucked between the legs, darting eyes, yawning and excessive drooling, nipping (not biting, just a nip), and even hiding under furniture or behind you.

Dogs do not have a verbal language and cannot tell us precisely what they are feeling, but we can see their body language and behavior. Therefore, it is possible to recognize signs of stress in your Medium Goldendoodle with practice. By responding appropriately with counterconditioning, dogs can learn to control their responses to stressful situations and reduce their stress in the long term.

goldendoodle laying on tile

How a Calming Environment Can Relieve Anxiety in Your Medium Goldendoodle

A pet owner can treat dog anxiety. With patience and understanding, you can help your nervous dog learn to relax and enjoy life again. The first step involves ruling out medical causes for the behavior. Once your vet has given your dog a clean bill of health, you are ready to begin treatment.

How do you treat Medium Goldendoodle anxiety? There are several options, but no single approach works for every dog. First and foremost, remember that you are in control of your dog's environment. If you feel that a situation would be too much for him to handle, wait until he is more mature or avoids it. Avoiding stressful situations is better for a young dog than having an accident or biting someone who upsets him.

For example, if your Medium Goldendoodle seems anxious about meeting other dogs on walks, try taking him for fewer walks until he is older or calmer. The same principle applies at home: if there are times when you need to leave the house but your dog cannot be left alone because of the presence of strangers or other pets, such as when you have guests, either crate him while you are gone or hire a pet sitter.

You are also in control of your Medium Goldendoodle's environment at home. Creating a safe space with a calming dog bed and other relaxation items can help your dog find peace when at home. Also, it makes a safe place for them to retreat when they are feeling overwhelmed with stress. Finally, a veterinarian-approved washable dog bed is proven to help reduce anxiety in your Medium Goldendoodle and make your life easier as a dog owner.

There are many ways to help your Medium Goldendoodle overcome its separation anxiety! First, play with them before you leave. For example, engage them in a fetch or tug of war game before heading out the door. This will distract them from feeling sad that you have to leave. Next, create a routine -- teach your Medium Goldendoodle a specific routine that they will follow when they know that you will go, such as putting on their favorite jacket or putting a toy on their calming dog bed. This will help teach them what to do after you leave, and it will give them something positive to focus on rather than feeling anxious or sad.

Tell your dog what is going on and where you are going. Letting your dog know about your day and where you are going can help ease their worries about where you are going and when you are coming back. You may also want to consider desensitization training. Desensitization is when the dog is exposed through repetition to the cause of their anxiety (i.e., being left alone) while they are relaxed, calm, and happy. The exposure should be done in short bursts until the dog begins to show signs of lessening anxiety and then increases the exposure length over time.

There are also medications for your Medium Goldendoodle that can make your pet more comfortable when feeling anxious. Still, a calming environment with a calming dog bed may do the same thing without the expense, and remember to give your Medium Goldendoodle medication frequently. For instance, If your dog is nervous during a thunderstorm, try to transform it into a positive experience by snuggling in a calming dog bed or playing with a favorite toy.

You can also distract your Medium Goldendoodle with a game of fetch in the backyard if you have a fenced-in yard. If you think your dog will bolt when you open the door to let him outside, try putting a leash on him and attach it to yourself so if he tries to run out, he will drag you along behind him. This way, he won't feel like he has the option to escape but knows he's still safe with you nearby. You should never forcibly restrain or confine an animal showing signs of fear or aggression because this may make him more fearful or aggressive.

goldendoodle laying on woman's leg

Other Items That Support Anxiety in Your Medium Goldendoodle

Whether your pooch is a therapy dog or just a family pet, it's essential to keep him calm. If you have a pet that suffers from anxiety, or if you are looking for a way to help your dog cope with everyday situations, calming sprays are worth considering.

Treating anxiety in pets can be challenging because not every dog responds well to different methods. As a result, many pet owners rely on essential oils and natural remedies to help their dogs deal with stress and anxiety.

Using a calming spray for your Medium Goldendoodle can help your pet cope with anxiety when you're not around. If your dog gets anxious when you leave, a calming spray for dogs can also help ease their fears. Many pet owners also use it to help calm their dogs down during thunderstorms or other stressful situations. Many brands offer calming dog sprays to help you and your pet cope with anxiety and stress. Some sprays contain lavender oil, which has created a calming effect on people. Other sprays include chamomile flower extract and geranium oil that are meant to be relaxing for your pet. However, it would help if you looked for a spray that contains all-natural ingredients, as some brands may include chemicals that could cause adverse effects on your dog's health.

To help relieve these stressful situations and calm your dog's anxieties, you might consider a natural calming supplement such as Calming Zen Chews. These treats contain L-Theanine, an amino acid that helps to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety in dogs. The L-Theanine in Calming Zen Chews is derived from green tea leaves and comes in small chewy treats that encourage positive social interactions between pets and their owners. In addition, these treats are 100% vegetarian, gluten-free, and made with non-GMO ingredients that support healthy cognitive function in dogs. Calming Zen Chews are also made without any artificial dyes or artificial flavors, so you can be sure that your pet is experiencing all of the beneficial effects.

Treating dog anxiety means dealing with the underlying cause of your dog's stress. Therefore, you must understand the symptoms and treatment plans as a dog owner of a Medium Goldendoodle. However, the essential first task as a dog owner is to create a calming environment with the right calming dog bed, sprays, and dog treats for anxiety.

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