How To Help Your Mini Aussiedoodle Remain Calm

Adorable Mini Aussiedoodle laying on it's back surrounded ny flowers

You adore your Aussiedoodle and want to spend time with them. However, the amount of energy this furball possesses can often be overwhelming, making it challenging to keep up. Wondering when Aussiedoodles will settle down does not imply you are a horrible parent. Aussiedoodles are inherently energetic and gregarious, and they make excellent pets. Although Aussiedoodles are energetic, they will start to remain calm when they reach a particular stage.

When Aussiedoodles start growing and reach the age of two, they usually calm down and begin to stay relaxed. However, when a pure breed reaches this age, it has matured and learned how to manage its energy levels appropriately. Also, keep in mind that each mixed breed is different. Therefore, some Aussiedoodles may not be calm at two, which is normal.

If you can't wait for your Aussiedoodle to calm down, this article will provide precise techniques to help your Aussiedoodle maintain a consistent energy level.

Why Do Aussiedoodles Have Such a High Energy Level?


Many of you may ask why Aussiedoodles have such a high energy level? Aussiedoodles are a hybrid dog breed created by crossing an Australian Shepherd with a Poodle. And, if you know your biology, it's only standard for the children to inherit traits from their parents. Australian Shepherds are often bursting with enthusiasm, and now you know where Aussiedoodles get theirs.

Another factor that contributes to Aussiedoodles' high energy level is their breed. Every breed goes through puppyhood when the dog is at its most lively phase. In most species, puppyhood lasts 18 months; however, this is not the case with Aussiedoodles. The puppyhood phase in Aussiedoodles is extended, resulting in them behaving more like pups and being very curious and energetic.

How Do You Manage the Energy of Aussiedoodles?

This mixed breed is a member of the Einstein dog family. Aussiedoodles are friendly creatures with a high level of intelligence. So, keeping the traits in view, here are a few suggestions for controlling your Aussiedoodle's energy.

Go on a Long Walk

The primary objective of long walks is to tire out your Aussiedoodle so you can have more me-time while also benefiting the breed. One of Aussiedoodle's favorite hobbies is going for a long walk, and the breed also gets a good night's sleep after returning from the walk. A nice walk will also help to lessen the dog's activity and anxiety. The stroll will also help Aussiedoodles build their bones and muscles, lower their blood pressure, and increase their blood circulation.

This activity will also assist in the establishment of a stronger bond between you and your mix breed. As a result, both of you will benefit from vitamin D, and it will also positively impact your dog's health.

owner walking Mini Aussiedoodle
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Visit the Dog Park

A quick trip to the dog park will not affect you while bringing your mini Aussie for a long stroll. On the contrary, your cherished pet will be pleased and eager due to this encounter. In addition, the dog will have the opportunity to meet new canines, which means more time spent in the park.

The activities will exhaust your mix breed, and by the time you and your dog arrive home, your dog will have fallen asleep.

Allow your Aussiedoodle to Run around in the Yard

As a pet parent, you may enjoy taking your dogs to the park for a stroll. However, if you don't have time for that, having a plan B in place, such as having your Aussiedoodle play in the yard, might help.

Aussiedoodles require regular activities to be engaged, and playing in the yard is a great way to expend this energy. So unleash your mini Aussiedoodle, toss a stick or a ball around the yard, and he'll joyfully play without complaining.

Maintain a Regular Play Schedule

You're mistaken if you believe that keeping a play routine entails extra sweat and effort on your part. Playing with your pet will improve your dog's agility while benefiting their health and strengthening your bond with them.

For example, house-able dog tunnels which are widely available on the market, can be used to make your dog run or crawl. Make your Aussiedoodle jump through tires or climb up and down on boards and ramps to strengthen their new body muscles. Try employing movable props or equipment for these activities, which might be handy when the weather is terrible, which will make them tired and calm.

Mini Aussiedoodle sitting in grass
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Introduce Some New Techniques

Pet owners like teaching mini Aussie new skills and are ecstatic as parents when the dog masters them. So teach some other valuable skills like tossing the ball to your miniature Australian Shepherd, and while learning them, your mini Aussiedoodle will become calm and relaxed.

Learning new tricks will also improve your dog's behavior, particularly when you are not there. Then, you can return home to a home devoid of commotion without fear.

Practice Indoor Activities

Since it is not always better to involve your mini Aussie outside, you can also come up with some indoor activities that keep them occupied and help them stay calm. You can do a few tricks, such as forcing your Aussiedoodle to run up and down the stairs, which will calm them.

Additionally, you can play hide and seek with your mini Aussie by putting them in a separate room, hiding some treats in another area, and letting him look for them. While playing this game, your dog will use a lot of energy, leading to calm behavior afterward.

What Can You Do To Keep Your Little Australian Doodle Calm?


As Aussiedoodles reach the age of two, they begin to mature, which means their energy level drops, and they become less active. However, even if there are no indicators of adulthood, the mini Aussie can control the activity in some instances.

Mini Aussiedoodles might show no symptoms of maturity even when they are three or seven years old. As a dog parent, you'll have to wait till your dog reaches seniority for the energy to lessen in this case.

You may also come across mini Aussiedoodles who are less lively and quiet than the rest.

Fear, anxiety, or high arousal are components of many behavior issues. Therefore, retraining cannot begin until dogs obtain a calm, peaceful state of mind. They should address the behavioral reaction (sit down, walk, stay on your mattress) and the emotional state during training (calm, relaxed). You won't be capable of convincing your little Aussie to calm down in the presence of anxiety or stimulating signs until you can get him to focus and calm on command in the absence of these indications.

After the mini Aussie has learned to settle on command, progressively increasing the intensity of the stimuli should work. For example, when the dog is unduly eager or anxious, such as when meeting relatives, strangers, or other animals, they can use the settle command to generate a strong response. It can also be used when miniature Aussie doodles grow agitated as their owners prepare to leave or when they become unduly enthusiastic when visitors arrive or when they are about to go for an exercise.

Mini Aussiedoodle puppy sleeping
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Nervousness can be represented in diverse ways, including crying, barking, shaking, and whimpering. When your dog is stressed, it may become disruptive or aggressive. But, conversely, they may lose their appetites and become utterly withdrawn if the stress is not handled.

Abandonment, anxiety about being alone at home, loud sounds, traveling, and being around youngsters or other pets are the most prevalent causes of anxiety in mini Aussie. Dogs that have been neglected and abused have also shown signs of anxiousness.

The best strategy to treat your dog is to figure out what's causing the problem. Anxiety is usually apparent and easy to spot. Once you've figured out what's causing the stress, you may start treating it by consulting your vet about it.

Exercise Your Dog

If your Miniature Aussie doodle suffers from separation anxiety, the most obvious solution would be never to leave them alone. But unfortunately, most pet owners can't do that, so using exercise as a bonding activity and a way to tire out your Aussiedoodle is frequently a simple solution!

Because anxiousness can lead to excessive energy, taking your dog for a long walk or a game of fetch before you leave can be beneficial. It's also a good idea to physically contact and talk to your dog during this period. Finally, like human equivalents, exercise can help relieve stress by releasing feel-good endorphins.

Assist with Proper Socialization

Introducing mini Aussiedoodle to various social circumstances from an early age will help them avoid anxiety, but you might want to forgo the dog park. First, provide socializing in a more controlled environment. They may require a qualified behaviorist to rehabilitate older dogs with pre-existing traumas or fears.

Dress your Dog in a Calming Vest

Use calming vests to wrap over your Aussiedoodle and provide a constant pressure to help them calm intense events.

Avoid Eye Contact with High-strung Dogs

Dogs like attention, but it can be detrimental at times. When hyper dogs demonstrating anxious behaviors receive support while behaving out, they may feel empowered. Instead, ignore a hyperactive dog until it calms down. Then give them lots of physical contact and dog treats as a reward for calming down.

Physical Contact

Nothing is likely to calm an anxious mini Aussie more than its owner's contact. So lift your dog, cuddle on the couch, or give a positive lengthy petting session as soon as you notice symptoms of nervousness in them.

If storms or loud noises, such as fireworks, trigger your dog's fear, it's critical that your dog feels secure when these events occur. Because dogs' ears are far more acute than humans', consider setting up a white noise device in a quiet area of the room to drown out the sounds that bother them. But, again, keep the amount of stimulus to a bare minimum. 

Mini Aussiedoodle laying in the grass
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A massage can soothe and calm the most agitated humans, but did you know it can also help your Aussiedoodle? Anxiety builds muscle tenseness, and massage therapy is one strategy to reduce stress. Begin with long strokes at the top of the neck and down the back. Over time, you may be ready to pinpoint the source of your dog's distress and focus solely on that issue.

Music Therapy

The precious dog companions have been shown to benefit from music therapy. While you're at home or away from your mini Aussie, the power of music can be comforting and soothing. Music can also aid with noise hypersensitivity by blocking out distracting or frightening stimuli that can make certain dogs anxious.

Multiple mixed breeds, according to investigations, love classical music. Therefore, harp music, frequently utilized in hospice settings, is a natural sedative.


While anxiousness isn't a bad behavior in and of itself, giving your Aussiedoodle a break while they're behaving out can assist. For example, isolating your dog in a safe and quiet environment might help them stay calm. In addition, perhaps some soft music playing, low lighting, and aromatherapy are available (read "Alternative Therapies" section).

A ZenCrate can also be utilized for time-outs and as a generic escape vehicle for your dog. ZenCrate was designed to aid dogs with a range of anxiety illnesses. It seems like a typical crate but offers vibration isolation, sound cancellation (through sound insulation), reduced light, warmth, and safety. When your dog arrives, a motion-activated sensor activates a moderate fan, which helps to block noise and offer a consistent stream of clean air. Music can be pre-programmed into the container. It has a detachable door, so your mini Aussie may enter and exit whenever they want.

Mini Aussiedoodle looking up
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Alternative Therapies

While there is little proof that alternative therapies can help anxious dogs, the item detailed below are non-invasive and will not harm them. They are therapies that can be used independently and combined with those mentioned above to increase their effectiveness. Before using alternative treatments, make sure you do your research.

Adaptil Home Diffuser

Adaptil is essentially dog homeopathy! It uses hormones like those given off by a breastfeeding mother to her puppies to help calm them down. It's simple to use: plug the mixer into the room where your beloved dog spends most of his time. The diffuser emits "dog-appeasing" pheromone, odorless scents that dogs respond to (Humans, dogs, and other pets will be oblivious to the odor.)

You can also use Adaptil's lightweight collar for mini Aussie, which they can wear once they're 6 months old and assists with separation anxiety.


This unit integrates music therapy and aromatherapy using hearing and smell senses to help soothe your mini Aussies. The sound generator can play several soothing loops, such as a trickling brook or tranquil waves lapping at the beach. At the same time, the natural oils include lavender, chamomile, and geranium, all considered calming. Suitable for dogs who are sensitive to noise, have anxiety issues or need to sleep longer.

Calming Zen Chews

If you notice that the above remedies aren't working for your mini Aussie anxiety, you should use calming zen chews to help your miniature Aussie doodle relax.

When your mini Aussie is exceptionally distressed, calming zen chews might help them calm. These delightful homeopathic soothing aids boost your miniature Aussiedoodle quality of life and overall health. If you know this will confront your dog with a stressful scenario, give them some pup-approved Calming Zen Chews to help them calm.

Relaxing Zen Chews come in a bag of 60 chews with natural and pet-friendly calming agents. So when you give your cherished mini Aussie their Calming Zen Chews, you're providing them a means to cope effectively with stressful situations like thunderstorms, being left home alone, and traveling.


Calming Zen chews product pictured
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Final Thoughts


When mini Aussies are frightened or agitated, destructive behavior is frequently displayed as a coping method. Every dog owner fears a house that a sad and fearful dog has thoroughly trashed.

Giving your special Aussie doodle a natural stress reducer with no side effects may give yourself and your dog some calmness.

The Miniature American Shepherd is similar in appearance to a mini Australian Shepherd. Minis are brilliant, self-motivated, endearingly devoted, and vivacious companion dogs who have an affinity for horses, despite their small stature. Many physical characteristics of the Miniature American Shepherd are similar to those. Females are between 13 and 17 inches tall at the shoulder, while males are between 14 and 18 inches tall. However, despite their small stature, Miniatures are everything an actual herding dog should be: active, flexible, strong, and bright.

This dog breed is available in four colors: black, blue merle, scarlet, and red merle. (The merle will have marbling, dots, or blotches in whatever amount.) Miniature poodles have the sleek, elegant gait of a dog bred for hard labor on rough terrain.

Don't be tempted to overdo it now that you have the list of recommendations. You and your mini Aussie can take your time exploring, but don't forget to have fun since it is an essential component of a strong friendship and will keep you both psychologically fit. Please remember that while practicing the activities listed above, you must take special safety precautions for your mini Aussie.

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