How To Help Your Mini French Bulldog Manage Separation Anxiety

How To Help Your Mini French Bulldog Manage Separation Anxiety - Calming Dog

The mini French Bulldog suffers from separation anxiety when his owner leaves, but training, exercise, routine and calming products can make them cope with the condition.

The Mini French Bulldog is a natural lovable animal, but he often suffers from tension, stress, and anxiety, affecting his mental and physical health. Many things can cause these conditions, but separation anxiety appears to be the most dominant reason. This breed of dog is a clingy animal that sees its owner as its pack leader.

When the mini French Bulldog gets separated from his owner, it triggers separation anxiety. As such, your mini French dog may begin to exhibit some unpleasant dog behavior as a coping mechanism. Thankfully, there are various ways of managing separation anxiety in this dog. As long as the owner observes and sorts solutions, you will have your ever-loving and calm dog.

So, how can you help your mini French Bulldog manage separation anxiety? You can help it manage separation anxiety through routine exercise, training, and using calming products. If you think your mini French Bulldog exhibits some behavior whenever you attempt to leave, read this article to the end as we dive into separation anxiety and how you can help your dog control it.

Separation Anxiety In Mini French Bulldog

The French city dog has made a name for itself as an adaptable, affectionate, playful, and exciting animal. The mini French Bulldog has done a great job to be man's best companion right from England to France. It is used to living in packs, and with humans as pet owners, he regards them as the head of his group.

When he gets separated from this leader, he experiences some level of stress and tension. Why won't he? He suddenly can't find someone he has been with for a very long time. Hence, it is expected that he exhibits anxiety and all symptoms related to fear. It may not look it, but your dog suffers from separation anxiety than most breeds.

Some mini French Bulldogs can't even cope when their owners leave their sides. That's to tell you that a typical mini French Bulldog doesn't do well alone. Your dog may become hyperactive and restless when you decide to leave. He may also get depression when you go and clings to you, following you from one room to another when you are home.

However, there are solutions for pet owners. While it can be overwhelming and exhausting to deal with, patient and endurance are paramount in this situation. You may want to lash out, yell or punish your mini French Bulldog, but none of this might work. With commitment and dedication, you should have your pet living on its own.

Some of the common strategies used include positive reinforcement, praise, routine, and exercise. For example, you can train your mini French Bulldog to start seeing you leaving as something to embrace rather than fear. Also, you can desensitize them to cues that typically indicate you are going. These cues may include putting on your sneakers, wearing your sweater, or taking the car keys.

What are the Warning Signs of Separation Anxiety in Mini French Bulldogs?

The symptoms of separation anxiety in mini French bulldogs vary. According to the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, these signs also explain why many pet owners leave their dogs. Check out the following symptoms and signs in detail:


Mini French Bulldogs hardly ever bark on a typical day, and that's more reason you need to be vigilant if your dog suddenly starts barking or howling when you leave the house.

Destructive behavior

Pet owners may also observe some destructive behavior in their dogs. When you leave the house, your mini French Bulldog may start digging or scratching walls or windows to escape and meet you. Also, mini French Bulldogs may show destructive behavior such as chewing, howling, barking, and whining. As the distress your dog experiences progress, he may start to destroy items, such as furniture, pillows, footwear in an uncontrollable manner. A mini French Bulldog may also injure itself in an attempt to break out of the house, crate, windows, window drapes, doors, or anything they perceive to be inhibiting their freedom.

Urination and defecation

Urination and defecation are enhanced forms of signs of separation anxiety in your mini French Bulldog. By now, your mini French Bulldog must have been potty-trained. If this is the case and you find that your dog has messed up your apartment, it is a sign that he suffers from separation anxiety. Your mini French Bulldog may even eat his poo to help him cope with your absence.

Meanwhile, it would help if you were careful when observing some of your dog's behavior. House soiling could be a sign of some underlying health conditions in your mini French Bulldog. Thus, you should ensure your mini French Bulldog doesn't have any health issues. Besides, if he messes up the house only when you leave him alone, with another person, or you are preparing to leave the house.

Panting and pacing

In humans, we tend to sweat when anxious, but this is not the case with dogs. When you make an attempt to leave or your mini French Bulldog notices cues that indicate you are going, it may start showing some frantic behavior, such as panting, shivering, and shaking. These are signs that he is tensed and trying to keep himself calm and relaxed. Of course, it won't work. He may also become restless and develop an increased heartbeat. 

How to Help Your Mini French Bulldog Manage Separation Anxiety

It's frustrating to come home to a frantic mini French Bulldog and destroy a home. It's even more distressing for your dog, who has had to deal with such a condition alone. Nonetheless, there are proven techniques you can use to help your dog. The key to solving this issue is to train your mini French Bulldog to learn to be independent and enjoy his me-time. Check out the following methods of treatment.


To help your mini French Bulldog with separation anxiety, practice a calm routine with him before you leave and when you come back. For instance, try not to announce your departure by taking your keys in his presence or wearing your coat. Also, when you come back, please don't make it a big deal and casually walk in.

No matter how much you want to show affection, don't be excited to see him. You can be, but don't make it too obvious. Ignore your mini French Bulldog for a few minutes before greeting or petting him. Also, when you pick up your car keys or coat, you can head to your room to sleep instead of going outside like you used to. This action is to get your dog confused.


An essential part of helping your dog cope with separation anxiety is to form positive relations with new experiences. Teach your mini French Bulldog that even separation has its rewards. Use positive reinforcement to train your mini French Bulldog to calm down when he sees you leave. For instance, If your mini French Bulldog starts pacing or panting when he sees you take your car keys, you can give him a treat like calming zen chews, which you give him as a reward.


Exercise may not cure separation anxiety, but it can prevent it by helping your mini French Bulldog relax. Ensure your mini French Bulldog gets enough physical activity, but not too much. Your dog should go for a walk at least twice a day. Also, your dog will benefit from going to a dog park where he can see other dogs. Also, training sessions and puzzle toys that can put the mental brain of your mini French Bulldogs to work can help your dog calm.


Mini French Bulldogs are naturally clinging, and it is best to work on it as part of your separation anxiety treatment. What you shouldn't do is try to encourage their clinginess. Instead, teach your mini French Bulldogs to be independent and be comfortable in their space when you are away. You can start leaving your mini French Bulldog alone in his room for a few minutes. After some time, you then step out for a longer duration. Also, when you greet or pet your dog, try not to make eye contact or get overly emotional.

Crate Training

Although it can be detrimental when misused, a crate is an important training tool for your mini French Bulldogs. A box can be a haven for your mini French Bulldogs to relax and calm down. How does this work? Simple! Teach your mini French Bulldog to associate his crate with stimulating items like toys so he will be excited to spend time in his chest. With containers, it is vital to watch how your dog reacts. That's because some dogs panic when they are alone in a box. You don't want to aggravate your mini French Bulldog's anxiety symptoms.

Calming products

If you want a faster result, it is best to use some calming products to help your mini French Bulldog. These products are made to calm tensed and stressed animals. They feature fur materials that are comfortable on mini French Bulldogs. For instance, a calming bed can help your dog calm down and even sleep off when you are away. Similarly, you can give your dog calming chews treat as a positive reinforcement for calming down. Other products are calming sprays and a calming fountain for your dog to get clean water. These are all products that can make your dog manage stressful situations.

Short absence

Another method to help your dog cope with your departure is to practice leaving the house for a few minutes. This method should come after you have trained your dog with positive reinforcement and routine. For instance, try to put on your sneakers and leave the house for a couple of minutes. Then, return through the back door casually without paying attention to your dog. Even if your dog barks just after you leave, don't come back until it goes silent or until the duration elapses. In no time, your mini French Bulldog will get used to being alone.

Dog Walking Services

Employing a dog walker can be another way to help your mini French Bulldog cope with your absence. This is especially important if you must leave the house every day. All you need is to get a trusted dog walker who can take your dog for a walk in the morning and the evening. These walks will help you know how long he can stay calm without his owner's companionship.

Besides, you can check reliable doggy daycare services to help take care of your dog and keep him for a more extended period. This method will also work effectively if your mini French Bulldog often resorts to destructive behavior.

Seek professional help

Based on some unknown reasons, your dog may be experiencing separation anxiety or another condition you can't know. Even after trying all the methods outlined in this article, your mini French Bulldog may still be showing symptoms. Don't fret; it is time to pay a visit to your veterinary doctor or employ a professional dog trainer.

The truth is your dog's separation anxiety may be the result of a medical condition. If the separation anxiety is severe, your Vet may have to recommend some medications to treat anxiety, panic attack, and depression.

Understand you can't prevent separation anxiety in your dog, even if you have tried your best. Once separation anxiety starts manifesting, it's a long journey and process from there. A certified Applied Animal Behaviorist can relieve the stress off you a little bit. They can help your dog manage his condition using different methods, such as training, positive reinforcement, and behavior control.

A behaviorist will handle your dog better than you can because they are trained and have had similar experiences with other dogs. No matter how serious your dog's condition is, there is a high chance that the treatment will work. This time is usually tricky for dog owners, but the best is to sit tight, be patient, and hope for the best. Soon, your dog will be able to act appropriately.

baby french bulldog puppy

Why Your Mini French Bulldog Experience Separation Anxiety

There are no specific reasons mini French Bulldogs are prone to separation anxiety, but it happens with animals from shelters who are just getting introduced to real families and environments. Also, if you have never left your mini French Bulldogs alone, they will find it strange and react as they deem fit. It will help to observe triggers such as a change in routine, movement from one apartment to another, and the absence of one of the family members.

Furthermore, your mini French Bulldogs could be experiencing separation anxiety due to boredom and loneliness. That's why it is essential to introduce toys and distracting objects to them as soon as possible. Also, a previous traumatic event associated with being left alone can trigger separation anxiety in your dog. That can only happen if you adopt your mini French Bulldog from a shelter.

Dogs that have spent a long time in a shelter sometimes have memories of being alone. Leaving them alone after adopting they have developed a relationship with their owners can trigger separation anxiety. It is crucial to know the dog's history and previous health conditions. That way, you can manage your dog conveniently.

Similarly,  A 2015 study has suggested that lack of adequate exercise could exacerbate your dog's. These are scenarios that can feel strange to your mini French Bulldog. Know that your dog isn't stupid or seeking unnecessary attention. Don't try to punish him, but understand the reason why he panics that way. Therefore, you must visit the Vet as soon as possible.


Mini French Bulldogs are one of the most loving dogs among all breeds. They are pretty clingy and can be fond of their owners. Due to this, mini French Bulldogs find it difficult to survive when their owners leave. This is called separation anxiety, and it makes mini French Bulldogs panic and stress.

Some of the symptoms they show are barking, howling, panting, pacing, biting, scratching, and other destructive behaviors. This condition can be complex for dog owners, but the best is to observe keenly the triggers of these behaviors and the different situations that they happen. The common ways to manage separation anxiety include training, routing, positive reinforcement, exercise, and calming products. In some complex cases, you may have to seek a veterinary doctor or dog behaviorist.

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