How To Help Your Schnauzer Poodle Manage Separation Anxiety

Schnauzer Poodle Dog

Schnauzer Poodle Dog

Puppies and dogs are the number one family pet in America, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Poodles are a very popular choice because of their very regal, intelligent, and have a laid back demeanor. They’re perfect for any family with or without children, fun to play with and make great pets. The schnauzer poodle, once acclimated to your home, will become very protective of their family and space.

If anything threatens this, or if an unknown trigger enters their lives, it can create a condition which can lead to increased stress and anxiety. If it happens to your schnauzer poodle, the following article will give you a better idea of what to do.

Poodle Temperament

The best kind of dog for a person who wants a companion, and a lapdog is a schnauzer poodle. They’re very intelligent and love their human owners. The schnauzer poodle will do well for a family that’s always busy. Schnauzer poodles are smart, energetic, and happy dogs and need plenty of mental and physical activity.

The schnauzer poodle is very self-reliant, however will still require a loving home with plenty of love and affection. They need to be trained as puppies so that they know the rules of the household. The schnauzer poodle is a very lovable breed, but it's hard to train. They are sensitive to their surroundings and can easily be stressed. Schnauzers are not recommended for people with allergies or people who have had an unpleasant experience with other breeds.

A bored schnauzer poodle might go exploring in your home for some trouble to get into. This could cause finding a present in a pair of slippers or other forms of destruction in your home. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to ensure we give them adequate mental stimulation to avoid any unpleasant behaviors.

The schnauzer poodle are friendly, gentle dogs who are good with children and other animals. Many dog breeds are protective of their people and will often bark at strangers or other unexpected, threatening stimuli. The schnauzer poodle will do the same thing if their surroundings are threatened. Teaching them early who is a friend and who is not will help with any barking or aggressive behaviors.

The best way to give your schnauzer poodle physical and mental stimulation is to engage in a lot of physical activity. Schnauzer poodles can be stubborn, but once they get to know you, they’re easygoing and sweet. They like being petted and having their ears and paws scratched. The schnauzer poodle loves to swim and play in the water, so swimming is a great activity to keep them stimulated. They can be trained to jump into the pool, but you’ll need to make sure your schnauzer poodle has had some water training first.

Signs of Stress in a Schnauzer Poodle

Stress levels can vary from dog to dog. If your schnauzer poodle is stressed, getting to the heart of the problem as quickly as possible will be beneficial to all. The schnauzer poodle is known for being very vocal, and they’ll let you know if they are stressed out. Your Poodle’s growling is a solid indicator that your dog is stressed. If you notice your schnauzer poodle growling, talk to your vet or visit your local animal shelter and ask for help.

There is a misconception among some dog owners that the sound of a bark means the dog is being aggressive. Like human speech, barking is your schnauzer poodle’s way of talking to you. Friendly barks when you hold over a box of treats or holding the ball before throwing it are fun or playful barks. Thee should be encouraged since it will also reduce stress and anxiety while playing.

Looking at and understanding the activity your schnauzer poodle is dealing with can help determine the meaning behind the bark. An example of this would be suddenly barking at something in the middle of the night. If the house is quiet and your dog barks, it is a sign of stress or aggravation to an unknown stimulation. Consider all factors when your dog barks before jumping to a conclusion.

Growling and barking are also signs of establishing dominance in a specific situation. Similar to sniffing each other while meeting, growling, barking and other actions will be your dog’s way of establishing its place in your home, neighborhood or environment. Monitor this closely. However, you don’t want a simple encounter to escalate into something dangerous.

When you’re training your dog, be gentle and give it time to learn so that it won’t become frustrated or aggressive. The easiest way to train is to use a clicker and praise when your dog does something right. Some experts say that giving your schnauzer poodle a treat when training can be counterproductive. Treats should, however, be used as an association tool ensuring your dog associates correct and incorrect behaviors.

The difference between a poodle that barks for fun and one that barks for stress is easy to spot. When a dog barks for fun, it usually means he’s in high spirits and is ready to play. When a dog barks at stress, it means he’s nervous or uncomfortable. A good clue to whether it stressed your dog is whining. If your dog whines when he’s upset, he’s probably stressed and needs your attention.

Schnauzer Poodle Dog

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a condition that afflicts approximately 14% of all dogs.

Schnauzer poodles make great companions for people who love dogs. This love, affection, and strong desire for human interaction make the schnauzer poodle perceptible for separation anxieties.

Separation anxiety is an important issue for the owner to address as early as possible. When it is addressed, it will lead to a healthier, more contented pet. Separation anxiety is not something that can be cured, it will only be resolved by the owner learning about what triggers the anxiety, experimenting with different tools and techniques, and paying attention to their dog’s needs as problems arise.

In dogs, separation anxiety is characterized by a powerful fear of being left alone. It’s very common in young puppies, but may persist for years in an older dog. When they are separated from their families, they feel anxious and fearful. They have a hard time comforting themselves and rarely sleep well at night. Schnauzers are sensitive to this problem because their innate need for socialization makes them more perceptible to separation issues than other breeds.

The anxiety with the Schnauzer Poodle can often manifest through “manic” behaviors such as barking excessively, crying, and constantly pacing. A dog that is easily excited can result from that. The problem with this behavior is that it can be very difficult to control. To reduce their anxiety, they may bark at the slightest noise or movement.

Your dog’s appetite is another sign of separation anxieties. If you find they are taking food from their dish and bringing it to their bed, placing it in different areas of the house or simply not eating at all, it may show that he is stressed, don’t like the food or are sick. The schnauzer poodle is prone to pacing when stressed. If separation anxiety attacks affect your dog, he could become obsessed with his need to be near you and will become completely unable to calm down.

Creating a Routine

Since the schnauzer poodle learns quickly, getting them familiar with your routine and creating a specific routine for them can help with separation anxiety and other issues. The routine should start with going to the bathroom when they wake up. Follow that by some physical activities, such as exercise or play. After this, consider taking them out of the house with you for a ride in the car or let them run free in the yard while you cut the grass or plant flowers.

After they have had their fun and we tired them out, make sure that they go to their bed to take a nap and rest. Allowing them to wonder the house or get into trouble can lead to issues that are out of your control. As you engage with your dog throughout the day, allow them to lie by you on the kitchen floor while you pay bills or drink coffee. Over time, they will become familiar with your routine and start developing their own. Once they have their own routines, their focus will be more on them than on you.

How to Help a Stressed or Anxious Schnauzer Poodle

It’s important to create a warm and safe environment for your poodle, so they don’t feel stressed or anxious. When you are away at work or doing other activities, they should focus their minds on themselves.

When you are home, make sure to give them enough love and attention, so when you leave the room, they don’t feel left alone. Staying within earshot and making a noise through normal activities will set a comforting tone and reduce stress and anxieties.

If you are going to leave your schnauzer poodle for an extended period (i.e. overnight) make sure you leave them a bed with some toys and treats nearby to keep them entertained. If you think you may go to be away from your schnauzer poodle for a while, take precautions. Leaving them with a stranger or having a stranger in their home without getting to know them can be a very stressful situation. Make sure that you introduce and acclimate them to these people by establishing trust. On the surface, they may appear to be calm and happy, however, underneath they may be manic. If you are leaving your poodle with a neighbor or friend, discuss who will care for them and what to do if an emergency arises.

Dogs can get very cozy snuggling up in bed with their human family members. If your dog digs under the covers, it may mean he is looking for a warm place to curl up and rest his head. This behavior can also signal that they are frightened and need human companionship or attention. Look at your schnauzer poodle as they do this behavior. If you notice shaking, whining, or any other trigger previously discussed, it could mean they’re stressed.

Give Them Their Own Space

Give your schnauzer poodle their own space so they can be comfortable around you, but not in your bed. The Calming Cuddle Bed is the perfect place for your friend to snuggle up while feeling like they’re in your bed. We specially designed these beds with deep crevices for curling up. The Calming Bed has a removable cover for easy washing. The Calming Cuddle Bed, also available in a range of sizes, designed for use with all dogs, as well as puppies and adult pets. It’s made of durable, soft materials and has tasteful colors that match your home. Consider getting one that can move easily from home to car if you plan on taking your dog on trips in the car. You can find this bed along with a range of other stress relieving products on Calming Dog. 

Coping with Fear

Fear in your schnauzer poodle is very real and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. How your schnauzer poodle reacts to fear can vary from dog to dog. What one dog may find fearful can have no effect on another. Therefore, you, as the dog owner, need to determine what is fear, what is stress, and what are triggers for your specific schnauzer poodle.

What Is a Trigger?

A trigger is a specific event or situation that sets off an emotional and physical response in your dog. An example of this would be the ringing of a doorbell. When the doorbell rings, it sends a loud noise through the house telling us someone is at the door. When these events occur and your dog reacts, are they reacting from the noise, or are they reacting to an unknown intruder or visitor?

Triggers can set off different emotions. The sound of a can opening can set your dog to running into the room to be fed. The shaking of a treats bag can also get them excited about a positive interaction. Where stress, fear, and anxieties come in is when these triggers set off negative actions.

Animals, like the schnauzer poodle that have a higher level of intelligence, have more control over their own environment and are better at understanding their surroundings. Because of this, they don’t show stress and fear out in the open like others. Paying attention to and removing these triggers will be the best way to cope with fear.

Once you have located the trigger object, you never want to force an anxiety-filled confrontation with the object on your dog. Even though your schnauzer poodle is highly intelligent, they don’t have the mental reasoning to cope with their anxiety with reason. It’s a virtual guarantee that this will worsen the anxiety and increase stress related behaviors.

In extreme situations, these triggers might trigger a panic attack or other anxiety disorder. If you are in doubt if a specific item or object is causing these issues, simply remove it to air on the side of caution.

Commands and Clear Instructions

Teaching your schnauzer poodle basic voice commands is also a key ingredient for helping them cope with their fear anxiety. Basic voice commands are one way to help your poodle deal with their fear. If your schnauzer poodle barks at people, try going out when the streets and neighborhood are not as active. Walk your dog in areas that have little traffic and ensure that you keep a leash on your dog at all times. Constant communication reduces the fear response and training your dog to be familiar with sights, sounds, smells and others in their area.

If you have a fear response problem, or if your dog has any issues with their fear, a good way to start is to consistently give your dog the command “NO!” The word NO is powerful we use in training our dogs and our kids. No has a universal understanding and should be the first word introduced in the training process.

Manage Your Own Stress and Anxiety

Don’t stress out over every little thing your dog does. Trying to be too controlling or forceful in their decisions can cause stress. If your schnauzer poodle has to second guess every step they make, or if your fears of them getting hurt or sick rub off on them, they will quickly turn to you more and more, which will have a domino effect in the wrong direction. Enjoy your dog and the love you have for each other. If a problem arises, address it the best way you can.

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