How to Treat and Prevent Teacup Poodle Separation Anxiety

How to Treat and Prevent Teacup Poodle Separation Anxiety - Calming Dog

Teacup Poodles are the most miniature variety of the Poodle breed, and standard features we see in a regular-sized Poodle are still present in Toy Poodles. You should expect the hypoallergenic, high-energy, fun-loving qualities of a Poodle. The difference is that these dogs can thrive in an apartment and more crowded areas like city life.

Teacup Poodle dogs are the best fit for individuals or families with older children. These dogs are intelligent, loyal, loving, social, and alert. While Toy Poodles can not be guard dogs, they can all certainly be watchdogs because they will likely bark whenever they hear somebody enter the house.

This breed was initially born to be hunting dogs that could survive in cold waters to catch waterfowl for their owners. Because of this, many Poodles now have the energy and excitement of a hunting dog, which appears in a Teacup Poodle. Even though they're small in size, these cute dogs can be working dogs that maintain the same sophistication and power as their larger counterparts.

Brown poodle dog outdoors

Teacup Poodle Breed

Teacup Poodles are under 9 inches tall and typically weigh less than 6 pounds in body weight. These dogs are great for apartment living or traveling because of their small size and because they're portable as long as you socialize them from a young age.

When bringing a Teacup Poodle into the home, you welcome this dog to become your sidekick. They would love nothing more than to stick to their owners, entertaining them all day and showing them the affection they love to give them.

Because of how small, portable, and sweet these dogs are, they're also great for older adults or those who are empty-nesters looking to fill the house with a bit of noise.

The Teacup Poodle is an especially easy breed to care for and train, and this is why they are so great for so many different types of owners. These adorable dogs also have a natural intelligence and drive to please their owners, and this quality makes these pets very easy to train. They might be small, but they have huge hearts and brains, and they can become quite the little Einsteins.

Owners often forget that training sessions are a way to educate their dogs and bond with them. Teacup poodles learn best with positive environments and encouragement. Owners should never try to push their dogs into anything they don't feel comfortable doing because this can ruin the experience. If your dog is more nervous about a situation, it will take them longer to adjust to it. Expert dog owners have learned to carry treats around all the time. They can give their dog a treat every time they try anything new. It's also a great idea to give your Teacup Poodle a treat anytime they have excellent behavior around things they usually get stressed about, or give your dog a snack anytime they do something adorable.

Smaller dogs like the Teacup Poodle have bad reputations for being noisy pets. Teacup Poodle puppies need to be socialized correctly, and this works best when owners start at a young age. Proper socialization training will allow these dogs to experience different environments or occasions where they can experience new people, places, and animals. Correctly socialized dogs will be able to play with other dogs or live with them.

Smaller dogs especially need to interact with different environments if their owners are going to bring them around with them everywhere. The more an owner brings their dog along with them and provides favorable conditions, the faster Teacup Poodles will adapt to socialization.

Even if owners don't rescue their Teacup Poodles when they are puppies, any owner will find that these dogs want to explore and learn more, even as adults. Socializing an adult dog will likely take longer, but it is still possible, especially with consistency. There are not many dog breeds that are as well-rounded as the Poodle.

Teacup Poodle Breed Health Overview

This popular toy breed has excellent overall health, but there are a few mental health concerns many owners need to understand. Physically, however, Toy Poodles can come in many different colors thanks to their Poodle parents, and these dogs can be black, silver, blue, gray, red, apricot, brown, or beige.

The Poodle is overall a very healthy dog breed, but they have health risks that they might experience just like any other breed. Toy poodles live about 12 to 14 years long, and although some dogs will certainly experience health conditions that might shorten their lifespan, most Toy Poodles will not experience these conditions.

Even though these dogs are tiny, they still have plenty of exercise requirements, and they will need walks just like all other dogs. These dogs benefit from walking once a day, but they don't require hours of exercise or open spaces.

Most Toy Poodles will live their entire lives without ever having any physical condition except that almost every dog will experience stress and anxiety sometime in their lives.

To stay a healthy weight, these puppies need about 250 calories a day, which is the equivalent of about one cup of high-quality dry dog food. Toy Poodles are tiny dogs that need dog food designed specifically for their size to ensure they can get the nutritional values they need. Smaller dogs have different dietary needs than larger dogs, so Toy breed-specific dog food exists. Not feeding your Toy Poodle enough food can cause them to have low blood sugar and lead to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a mild condition, but in extremely low blood sugar cases, it can cause loss of consciousness and become a much more severe health issue.

A few other health conditions Teacup Poodles are at risk of developing, such as progressive retinal atrophy or joint dysplasia. Most of these dogs will never develop these conditions in their lifetimes, and the ones that do might not even develop severe issues, and sometimes they don't need to take any actions against their symptoms.

Even though physical health is not much of a concern for the Toy Poodle, their psychological health is. Many small dogs tend to get bored easily when they're left alone for hours, leading to dog separation anxiety. Potential owners who are nervous about their Toy Poodles experiencing separation anxiety can consider taking their dogs to a doggy daycare center or try to take your dog along with you more often. However, it is undeniable that every Toy Poodle will experience anxiety or stress.

White poodle on chair

Anxiety and Separation Anxiety

Several different things can cause anxiety, and there are various ways to treat the causes of anxiety. However, dogs can get anxiety from loud noises, new environments, or new animals if they are not properly socialized.

If you adopted your Teacup Poodle from a shelter or they have experienced traumas like abandonment, neglect, or abuse, your dog is more likely to experience anxiety. Anything that reminds a dog of its past traumas is likely to ignite anxiety symptoms in an animal.

Separation anxiety is also very common in small dogs like the Teacup Poodle. Breeds like the Poodle require attention from their owners, and small dogs typically need to spend almost all of their time with their owners. Some breeds are naturally more clingy to their owners than others and are often called 'velcro dogs.' Small dogs are for companionship, and therefore, Toy Poodle puppies require a lot of company. These dogs can easily attach to their owners and develop serious cases of separation anxiety if owners take no action to help them with their symptoms.

There are many signs a Teacup Poodle will show when they're experiencing anxiety. All owners need to do to be prepared to help their pet is to understand what the cause of their anxiety is. Over time, just by spending time around their animals and training them, walking them, or playing with them, people will come to know their pet's natural communication methods. You'll be able to tell what your dog looks like when they're stressed, when they're excited, or when they're nervous.

Brown poodle sitting

Symptoms of Anxiety

There are a variety of symptoms that dogs with separation anxiety experience. One of the most common symptoms of separation anxiety disorder is that dogs trash their owners' homes when they are alone. People who leave their home and commonly come back to see their dog has destroyed their couch or trash can should know their dog has anxiety. Destructive behavior is a big sign that miniature Poodles might be having dog anxiety. When dogs have a panic attack, anxious behavior leads to problem behavior.

There's a miscommunication issue with some dogs just because they've behaved badly, but often when dogs act out, it's because they're having an anxiety attack while their parents are gone. When left alone, dogs can get extra anxious that their parents won't return. It is prevalent if you rescue your dog from a shelter.

Other symptoms anxious dogs might show are pacing, drooling, barking, whining, following their owner around, or refusing to relax. Dogs with anxiety are typically on edge, and more severe anxiety symptoms will appear more confusing to the owner. For example, severely stressed dogs might become aggressive to their owners and try to stop them from leaving. Some dogs will become very noisy and begin running around like they're searching for a giant bone. Sometimes dogs try to put themselves between the door and their owners to stop them from leaving, while some dogs try to escape the house before their owners get to leave. More severe cases of anxiety will see a Toy Poodle refusing to eat, or they will uncontrollably urinate or defecate.

Treatment Plans for Anxiety

There are many different ways to treat anxiety, and it all depends on the owner and how they want to help their dog overcome their condition. Anxiety doesn't always need treatment, but treating it can alleviate your dog's symptoms. Knowing your dog is stressed every time you leave might make leaving a little challenging, but it shouldn't be hard for you to leave your dog alone now and then. Owners can have their dogs adjust to absences by providing calming medications, safe spaces, training, or socialization to help take them out of their separation anxiety.

Calming medications like calming treats, CBD, or other calming supplements are great ways to fight anxiety symptoms proactively. If your Teacup Poodle is scared of thunderstorms, give them some calming substances before a storm rolls in. If you know your dog has separation anxiety, give them CBD an hour before leaving. These methods can help relieve specific symptoms and might prevent your dog's anxiety if they don't have a severe condition.

Some owners help their dogs by providing them safe spaces to rest in or giving them a lot of enrichment on more anxious days. Calming spaces are excellent tools to provide your anxious Toy Poodle. These spaces have fresh water, dog beds, treats, blankets, pillows, toys, or whatever you want to provide your dog to help them relax. Sometimes, providing enrichment before you leave can help tire your dog out so they will sleep their anxiety away.

Although these methods are helpful, they won't work for more severe cases of anxiety. Some Teacup Poodles will suffer from such severe anxiety that intensive counterconditioning training or vet prescribed anti-anxiety medication will help your pup overcome their condition.

Not all of these methods will work for your dog, and some owners combine techniques to make them more effective and efficient. Dogs with severe separation anxiety will only be able to get help through anti-anxiety medications or counterconditioning, and owners will see little change in their dog's anxiety symptoms without these more intense treatments.

White poodle dog in arms

Prognosis of a Teacup Poodle with Separation Anxiety

Even though Teacup Poodles are likely to suffer from separation anxiety, that doesn't mean they have a shortened life span. Teacup poodles are energetic tiny little fluffballs. These dogs would love nothing more than to spend all their time with their owners and their family and would be happy entertaining them and showering them with affection. However, it is unrealistic to assume that you'll spend all of your time with your dog.

Your dog's symptoms will depend solely on its history and situation. If a dog has severe anxiety, but an owner doesn't think it affects their dogs too much, they don't have to provide intensive anti-anxiety methods. If you rarely leave your dog alone, some calming supplements, daily enrichment, and a safe space should be plenty to help ease them through their time.

However, if your dog regularly tears up the house in your absences, or if your dog defecates, urinates, or tries to escape the house, they would benefit from more permanent treatment.

You can treat less severe anxiety with temporary calming agents, and these tools have no long-lasting effect and relieve minor symptoms over a short period. Dogs with extreme anxiety benefit from a permanent treatment method. Services like counterconditioning treatment or anti-anxiety medications work for severely anxious dogs. Counterconditioning treatment is supposed to permanently change how your dog reacts to specific stimuli, while anti-anxiety medication is often long-term treatment.

Sometimes, dogs only need minor lifestyle changes to offset their separation anxiety. If you aren't giving your Teacup Poodle a walk a day, find some more ways to incorporate enrichment into their lives. Daily enrichment can help a dog fight anxiety symptoms while tiring them out and making them healthier.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways owners can help their Teacup Poodles overcome separation anxiety. The first thing owners need to do is understand their dog's symptoms. While noticing your dog's symptoms, it's a good idea to note how often these signs appear and what causes them. Knowing what causes your Teacup Poodle to experience anxiety can help owners prevent their dogs from having anxiety by being proactive.

Owners can better help their dogs by understanding the severity of their psychological condition and how much it affects their daily life. If you leave home daily to go to the gym for two hours, your dog might be able to make it through the days with some calming supplements. But if you regularly leave your Teacup Poodle with separation anxiety at home for more than two hours, you should probably provide more long-lasting assistance.

If you ever want a second opinion on your dog's separation anxiety, you can always call your vet. Separation anxiety is widespread in dogs, and owners shouldn't worry too much about it. They can easily receive help from their vets by giving them a quick call and description of their dog's overall situation.

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