How to Understand and Help French Bulldog Puppies With Stress and Anxiety Problems

french bulldog puppy walking on concrete

There's no denying that French Bulldog puppies are adorable and are excellent pets. They have big, soulful eyes and big, charming smiles as well.

French Bulldog puppies are knowledgeable, playful, enthusiastic, and good-natured, too. If you're a first-time dog owner, a Frenchie could be the perfect choice to try out the ownership experience.

From a young age, French Bulldog puppies are extremely sensitive. They don't take well to change, but even if you've had a puppy from the same litter forever, they still may run into issues with stress and anxiety at some point in their lives.

Stress and anxiety are common conditions for French Bulldog puppies and the breed as a whole. Research suggests that "By looking at the survey data, the investigators found that 72.5% of the dogs expressed anxiety-like behaviors, according to their owners. Of the total number of dogs, 32% had noise sensitivity, meaning they were frightened of at least one noise. Among noise-sensitive dogs, the most common fear was that of sounds associated with fireworks — this fear had a "prevalence of 26%."

French bulldogs can be very sensitive to loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Research suggests that "Some anxiety-like behaviors, the researchers also found, seem to become more pronounced as dogs age. These include noise sensitivity — especially being frightened of thunder — as well as fear of heights and anxiety around walking on certain types of surfaces, such as metal grids."

For some of those dogs, their owners have never even realized because they haven't had a chance to leave them by themselves. Others have become nothing but destructive when they're home alone and everyone else is out at work all day.

Unfortunately, many people and owners don't realize that this is normal for dogs like French Bulldog puppies. So if you're reading this because your dog is suffering from anxiety or stress symptoms, there's a good chance you don't know what it means or how to go about solving it. Keep reading!

Stress and anxiety are not limited to young dogs or puppies either. For example, some symptoms can often be spotted right away in a Frenchie puppy, although it might take until the dog reaches one-year old for issues to really get bad; most dogs will be seen to suffer from this condition from two years old onwards.

This guide will give you an understanding of stress and anxiety and many of the symptoms you can expect to see before coming up with ways to solve them.

grey french bulldog looking up at sky

French Bulldog Puppy Stress and Anxiety Explained

French Bulldog puppies are playful, affectionate, and friendly dogs who can get along well with other dogs and pets. French Bulldog puppies love to be with their owners, but they can be headstrong and stubborn. However, they can be well-behaved family dogs with proper training and socialization. Not all French Bulldog puppies are the same; their behavior can vary from dog to dog.

All puppies and dogs are prone to stress and anxiety. However, French Bulldog puppies are one of the more susceptible breeds. In addition, dogs that are not adequately trained or socialized can be at a higher risk of developing stress and anxiety.

The French Bulldog breed is well known to be one of the most playful and affectionate. From an early age, Frenchies are full of energy and hard-wired to be sociable. They enjoy the company of owners and other pets in the household. Their desire to be in companionship with another means that there is no such thing as welcome solitude for these dogs when left alone.

French bulldogs are a breed that needs a lot of exercise, mental stimulation, and attention. They enjoy being with their owner and can have separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.

It is recommended that you avoid exposing your French Bulldog puppies to loud noises or situations where there will be many people present when they are young to make sure you don't overwhelm them.

For a small breed of dog like the French Bulldog, being left alone for long periods can prove problematic, causing tremendous stress and anxiety. French Bulldogs naturally tend to bond closely with their owners and do not do well alone. They would prefer to have human contact throughout the day regardless of whether they are at home or in public.

french bulldog sitting on path

Signs and Symptoms That Your French Bulldog Puppy is Experiencing Stress and Anxiety

Signs of stress and anxiety can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Sure signs indicate that your French Bulldog puppies are suffering from stress caused by either internal or external stimuli.

Internal stimuli might include pain, illness (such as a urinary tract infection), parasites such as worms, being left alone for long periods without interaction, or some trauma in the past.

External stimuli could be caused by moving house, new surroundings, veterinarian visits, loud noises such as fireworks & thunderstorms, and other animals (including family members).

Some of the most common behavioral symptoms your dog is suffering from stress and anxiety include licking lips, excessive panting, scratching at the door or other objects, and an increased need to go outside to relieve itself. Dogs who have suffered from trauma may also exhibit more severe signs of stress such as constant tail wagging, excessive salivation, and vocalizing (e.g., whining).

Another sign of anxiety and stress in your French Bulldog puppy is aggression towards others, including you. A French bulldog is a social dog but does not have an aggressive temperament. They are friendly, affectionate dogs and are unlikely to show signs of aggression. If you notice your dog showing aggression towards you or other people in the household, this may signify that he is feeling stressed or anxious.

Next is trouble sleeping. If your dog has a hard time sleeping at night and keeps getting up to check out what's happening, this could be because he is feeling stressed or anxious.

Another sign your French Bulldog puppies are suffering from stress and anxiety in the presence of the whale eye. Whale eye is when a dog makes his eyes appear more prominent than usual by making the pupils appear more dilated. Whale eye is often accompanied by excessive blinking as well.

And finally, the last symptom is loss of appetite. A French bulldog should be eating voraciously throughout the day, and it is rare if they do not want to eat. Often, this can be a sign of stress and anxiety.

Signs of stress and anxiety in French Bulldogs are often overlooked by people who are not familiar with dogs' behavior or body language. Tail tucked between their legs, ears flat to their head, lip licking, yawning, panting, and hiding under tables or chairs are common signs of stress and anxiety.

french bulldog standing on autumn leaves

Why Relieving Stress and Anxiety For Your Puppy is Essential

Every dog has a unique personality, and some are more prone to stress and anxiety than others. In a study released last year, they "evaluated nearly 14,000 dogs—the largest-ever study on canine temperaments—and showed that nearly three-quarters of the pets showed at least one anxiety-related behavior, with some variation across breeds. A better understanding of these differences could help pet owners and vets better care for their pups, and perhaps even reduce the number of animals that end up in shelters or optioned for euthanasia." Stress and anxiety are prevalent in dogs and can affect their comfort in life if it goes undiagnosed and unsupported.

Frenchies have recently become a popular pet choice due to their cute appearance and small size. However, they have certain traits that can cause them to be prone to stress.

Their small stature means they are easily pushed over or injured by bigger dogs, making socialization safety especially important. Of course, the longer you get your puppy used to meeting other dogs, the better, but it is never too late to introduce them to other puppies or adult dogs!

As a responsible guardian, it is your responsibility to provide a good life for your companion. If you begin to see signs of stress and anxiety in your French Bulldog puppies, it is your responsibility to monitor the situation. If you notice changes in behavior from your beloved pup, it may be worth providing anxiety-specific support to them to help bring relief. If you cannot find relief through the tools outlined below, you may need to take your French Bulldog puppies to get checked out.

Guaranteeing a comfortable, healthy, active lifestyle for your French Bulldog puppies should be your first priority. For everything our adorable companions provide to us throughout life, it is the least we can do for them. So, please keep reading to learn how to help relieve their stress and anxiety right away!

french bulldog sitting on ground

Tools To Support Relieving Stress and Anxiety in Your French Bulldog Puppy

Diagnose, treat and prevent canine anxiety with various calming products and behavior modification techniques.

French Bulldog puppies are social animals, so they need mental stimulation and physical exercise. Provide plenty of toys to keep them entertained when you can't be with them. Happy French Bulldog puppies are healthy, but that doesn't mean you can leave your French Bulldog puppies home alone all day without giving them some physical activity to release energy and stress!

You can help your French Bulldog puppies by providing the right tools to deal with anxiety. First, you need a way to find out what is causing the fear or stress, and then you need to try different approaches until you find one that works for your French Bulldog puppies. Once you find the right system for your French Bulldog puppies, you can get them started on a path to recovery from their anxiety. Yes, anxiety relief is possible for your French Bulldog puppies!

For people trying to get their dog through a period of anxiety, exercise can be a real lifesaver. Some owners may not want to leave their dog home alone, but it is okay if they do not want to leave the dog while they are at work. Doggy daycare and boarding are great ways for dogs to have fun and socialize with other pups. Also, remember that allowing your pet to run around in the backyard on its own can help relieve stress. Even old dogs can benefit from this exercise if it does not involve strenuous running activities.

If your dog is anxious about guests coming over, try giving him some extra attention before they arrive and then confining him to a room where he will be less likely to cause distractions. After all, you want your guests to enjoy themselves without worrying about your French Bulldog puppies jumping on them or begging for food!

Dog-specific calming pheromones are available in sprays or diffusers that you can use in the home when your pup starts getting anxious. Calming Dog's calming pheromone helps to calm their nervous system. In the case of dog-appeasing pheromones, these chemicals are used to emulate the signals that dogs naturally use to calm each other down. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell, and pheromone production is caused by a gland in the brain's limbic system. This gland, located near the nose, connects directly to the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, responsible for controlling hormonal activity. Most mammals naturally produce pheromones through scent glands; DAPs are synthetic forms of dog appeasing pheromones that can be sprayed on or around a dog's bed or other sleeping area or worn on their collars. Like natural dog appeasing pheromones, they are intended to calm a dog during stressful situations such as separation anxiety or thunderstorms.

Investing in a Calming Dog bed can help support your French Bulldog puppies if they experience anxiety. And make sure you give your dog plenty of mental stimulation as well; tossing a ball or playing with some other interactive toy can help relieve his anxiety.

french bulldog laying on table

Other Items That Support Stress and Anxiety for French Bulldog Puppies

Stressed French Bulldog puppies can be a real problem for owners. French Bulldog puppies with high levels of stress or anxiety may have an increased risk of developing a wide range of behavior problems. Treating a stressed dog is difficult because the underlying cause of their distress may be hard to identify.

It is often simply a matter of not knowing how to interact with your dog appropriately. We can help our dogs stay happy and calm by observing their body language. If we can recognize what our dogs are feeling and thinking, we can help them be less fearful and stressed out. Cues to look for in your dog's body language include ears back, tail tucked, furrowed brows or a nose pointed to the ground. All of these things show signs of stress or anxiety in our dogs.

When you see these signals, try to figure out what is bothering your dog so that you can remove it from the situation. Sometimes, just removing yourself from the situation will reduce your dog's stress level. If your dog feels anxious around other people or animals, leave the area. If they are anxious while riding in a car or going to the vet, spend some extra time with them before you leave the house to help them relax.

French Bulldog puppies who get plenty of time and space to exercise each day tend to have lower stress levels than those who don't get enough exercise. Playing with your dog also helps reduce their anxiety because it strengthens the bond between owner and pet. If you know that certain things trigger your dog's stress or anxiety, like fireworks, make sure that your dog is safely away when you know their triggers will be present.

Stressed French Bulldog puppies are emotionally uncomfortable and physically uncomfortable. An anxious puppy may develop digestive issues due to the high level of cortisol in their bodies (the stress hormone). Some behaviors associated with more severe stress are a lowered immune system, which leads to more frequent illnesses, and even obesity, since dogs do not want to eat when they feel stressed. In addition, some dogs that are more anxious or nervous are at an increased risk of developing allergies, which makes treating their anxiety even more challenging.

While dogs are known for their absence of facial expressions, they experience some easily recognizable emotions. One of the best ways to read your French Bulldog puppy's feelings is through its body language. Please pay attention to what your dog does with his tail, face, and ears. Consider taking some dog training classes to help you better understand your dog's behavior. In the end, what is most important is that you're invested in supporting your French Bulldog puppies to help relieve their anxiety and stress. When you see the signs, it is important to make the changes in your French Bulldog puppy's routine. Don't wait until stress and anxiety are hurting your dog!

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