What Triggers Anxiety in Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzu Dog

Anxiety and fear in Shih Tzu puppies occur due to horrible puppyhood experiences, lack of social interaction, and temperament and genetics, which can become chronic if their owners fail to take the right actions.

As much as Shih Tzu puppies are fun to be with, anxiety and fear are a few of the challenges that bother owners of this dog breed. These dogs have emotions just like humans. Unfortunately, many things may trigger anxiety in Shih Tzu puppies, and the issues may get out of hand if not attended to proactively. Fortunately, managing Shih Tzu puppy anxiety is relatively easy compared to other dog breeds.

Training plays an essential role in overcoming fear and anxiety problems in Shih Tzu puppies. If your canine pal is suffering from intense anxiety, engaging in certain training techniques can restore your furry friend to normal behavior. Otherwise, you might need to schedule an appointment with a specialist to help your Shih Tzu puppy.

First of all, you must examine your canine pal to determine whether it shows signs of anxious behavior or requires further medical attention. For Shih Tzu puppies that are urinating uncontrollably, it probably could be an infection not in any way related to anxiety. In addition, some Shih Tzu puppies may begin to chew a paw unexpectedly. This also has nothing to do with anxiety.

So, how do you determine the problems in Shih Tzus? It's pretty simple. A visit to your veterinarian will provide you with all the information you need regarding the health status of your Shih Tzu. After consulting a vet, the following are potential symptoms of anxiety you should look out for in your Shih Tzu puppy.

Symptoms of Anxiety in Shih Tzu Puppies

Whimpering and whining are common traits of anxiety in Shih Tzu puppies. When this happens, your canine friend will disregard every housebreaking training that they have acquired. They are afraid of something, therefore, they become anxious and react by whining. Loud sounds like thunder cause Shih Tzu puppies to pace up and down until it finds a hiding place.

Posture is another way to determine that your Shih Tzu puppy is anxious when in a frightened or distressed state. For example, it is common among happy Shih Tzus to raise their tails, but an anxious one keeps its tail down between its legs. 

Shivering and trembling are other symptoms of fear and anxiety in Shih Tzu puppies. Most times, it comes along with other symptoms, which differentiates it from a typical cold. For example, sudden noises make Shih Tzus tremble, especially when it comes from an unknown direction.

Aggressiveness is usually a function of fear in Shih Tzu puppies. Out of all symptoms of anxiety for Shih Tzus, aggression requires a quick response before the dog begins to feel threatened. This breed usually displays whale eyes when it sees food or feels helpless and endangered. Shih Tzu puppies focus their eyes on the things that scare them and begin to growl.

Just like other companion dogs, the Shih Tzu puppy prefers to be in its owner's company. Unless you train your favorite pet to be independent, it will become anxious when lonely. Understandably, owners go to work and embark on different assignments that take them away from home. In cases like these, your Shih Tzu puppy will experience separation anxiety. According to a study on dog separation anxiety, about 25% of dogs suffer from this problem due to owners' absence. The occurrence of separation anxiety is high for dogs that have a mutual relationship with their owners. For example, if you are the type that plays a lot with your Shih Tzu puppies, they are likely to develop separation anxiety when you are away.

Separation anxiety causes Shih Tzu puppies to chew items, bark uncontrollably, defecate and urinate inside the apartment, and run away from their owners. When your Shih Tzu puppy exhibits any of these symptoms, anxiety may have set in for your friend.

Panting, lip licking, yawning, and drooling are other symptoms you should look out for in your Shih Tzu puppy. A combination of two or more of these symptoms may imply that your canine pal is experiencing anxiety. However, the best way to confirm the presence of anxiety and fear in your dog is through consulting a veterinarian.

What Triggers Anxiety in Shih Tzus?

Puppies' experiences when they are still young can contribute to anxiety tendencies in them. Shih Tzu puppies spend only a few weeks with their mother after birth before dog trainers take them away. This separation can lead to anxiety if not done well and in a certain period of time. 

Absence of social interaction limits Shih Tzu puppies from learning the required skills to navigate living among humans. Therefore, everything may seem strange to Shih Tzu puppies at the puppyhood stage, including seeing new people and going to a new environment. That is why your Shih Tzu puppy should undergo socialization training as soon as possible. Fortunately, Shih Tzus learn quickly with ample training, which helps them become more sociable. 

When training a Shih Tzu puppy, try to adopt a calm and unaggressive method. This is the ideal way for them to learn and develop desirable skills. Otherwise, they will prove to be stubborn and act reluctantly. In addition, seeing people regularly and visiting new places will have an impact on your Shih Tzu. This activity helps it to live a normal life without anxiety.

Also, temperament and genetics trigger anxiety in Shih Tzu puppies, even though they are naturally happy most of the time. In terms of companionship, Shih Tzu puppies are a breed that offers abundant affection to their owners when treated well. However, because Shih Tzu puppies are friendly and compassionate, they can't disobey their owners, even when in a bad mood. This fantastic dog breed sometimes develops fear around children and bigger dogs.

This is why it is essential to socialize your Shih Tzu puppy with children, new people, and other dog breeds. You must consistently apply a gradual process if you want positive results. However, it must be done under supervision. It is vital to ensure that you control the aggressive behavior of your Shih Tzu when socializing with others. 

Medical conditions or illnesses sometimes lead to anxiety and fear for Shih Tzus, especially in adults. The services of a veterinarian come in handy in this situation. Never make a medical-related decision out of thin air, instead, get the needed advice from your vet. Doing this helps you proffer solutions to the medical condition appropriately. That way, you can alleviate the problem without calling out new health issues.

Anxiety issues faced by Shih Tzus

We already talked about the most common anxiety problem, which is separation. However, this is not the only anxiety that Shih Tzu puppies experience. Others include noise, travel, confinement, and phobias.

Separation anxiety

The fear of being alone is what brings about separation anxiety for Shih Tzus. This is associated with intense fear and distress when their owners go out to work. Leaving them alone is not the actual problem, but rather the problem is doing this for extended hours consecutively.

Even though Shih Tzus are independent dogs, they need constant attention because they are companion dogs. So, it should not be a surprise to you when you see your little Shih Tzu puppy suffering from separation anxiety. 

Confinement Anxiety

Besides being left alone, confinement causes anxiety for Shih Tzus, especially when the space is relatively small. In addition, confinement causes stress for Shih Tzu puppies. 

Noise Anxiety

Fireworks and thunder sounds are scary to Shih Tzus, which may cause them to panic and become anxious. Other loud noises are not bearable to the ear of this breed. Some Shih Tzus are afraid of vacuum cleaners and loud horns. You may see them run or hide in a corner when they hear these loud noises. Shih Tzus' reactions to loud sounds have a connection to the treatment they receive when they are young. How you communicate with your Shih Tzu puppy matters.


Dogs have phobias as humans do. For example, a man can be afraid of water or height, and when they move close to these things, it scares the life out of them. In the case of Shih Tzu puppies, they become afraid and begin to behave strangely. Phobia will lead to anxiety for Shih Tzu puppies if they encounter it often.

Travel Anxiety

Not all dogs fancy traveling from one place to another. It doesn't matter if the vehicle is comfortable, the dog will still feel uncomfortable. Shih Tzus develop anxiety when on extended travel periods. This is why they may show signs of disagreement when you pick up your car keys. They don't like traveling because it makes them anxious.

How to Treat Shih Tzu Puppies Suffering from Anxiety

Treatment of anxiety differs for Shih Tzu puppies because there are different types and intensities. However, the rule of thumb remains never to allow bad behavior from your favorite pet. Instead, punish it with isolation or ignore it for a while. However, it would be best if you endeavored to reward your Shih Tzu puppy when it behaves well.

When faced with separation anxiety, it is essential to convince your canine pet that departure and arrival are normal. If you make a big deal out of your daily movements, then your dog will be prone to separation problems. Instead, always remain calm and stay composed by ignoring your pet for few minutes after you return home. They will, eventually, adapt with time.

If your furry friend is dealing with a phobia, therapy might be a good option for your Shih Tzu puppy. Alternatively, you can choose to help your furry friend stay away from its fears. However, introducing your Shih Tzu puppy to its phobia gradually helps overcome fears. Therefore, it's best to continuously expose your pet to what they are apprehensive about so they can face their fears confidently.

For intense anxiety problems, you must consult with a vet for medical advice on how to get your dog treated. When you visit your physician, aim to provide them with all relevant information about your Shih Tzu puppies. That is the best way you can get the required help. In addition, if you have any information relating to its breeding history, provide it to the vet. That would be helpful in the process.

Whether the anxiety issue of your Shih Tzu puppy is chronic or acute, it is important to seek advice and information from the best sources. For example, you can visit a dog trainer to learn more about training your Shih Tzu. Likewise, dog behavior specialists can provide you with valuable information if you notice strange behavior from your canine friend. Finally, if you need to solve a medical condition, you should visit a veterinarian for health-related issues.

The Calming Dog Product for Anxiety

Another ideal solution to treating anxiety issues in Shih Tzus is to purchase calming dog products such as beds, the calming fountain, and valerian root spray. These products work perfectly to help dogs calm their nerves during times of intense anxiety. These products are scientifically backed to help anxiety and stress issues in dogs. Before you decide to visit a veterinarian, you can try these vet-recommended products to improve the quality of life for your Shih Tzu.

Calming Cuddle Beds – In the absence of the owner, this bed offers everything your dog needs to stay calm and comfortable. It's a natural anxiety reliever that makes dogs feel safe and relaxed whenever their owners are away from home. With the Calming Cuddle bed, your dog can be free from stressful situations. It is a one-of-a-kind cuddle bed with an ultra-cozy feeling designed to make your pet feel safe in its comfort zone.

It is an innovative idea to restore dogs' mental health, particularly the issue of anxiety and stress when you go to work. This premium, science-backed cuddle bed is available in different sizes and colors. It does not matter how big your dog is; you will get the perfect bed for it. The bed works great to proffer solutions to separation anxiety issues.

Calming FountainCalming Dog offers water solutions for dogs with their triple filtration system fountain that regularly makes fresh water available. It comes with an LED light that helps prevent accidents, even when there is no light in the room.

Cats can also benefit from the calming fountain. It can hold as much as 2.4 liters of water, implying your pups can have cool, crisp water anytime. It is an ideal option to get your dog to drink water often.

Calming SprayCalming Dog sprays work collaboratively with a bed or blanket to relieve your pet from anxiety. The calming spray offers dogs the opportunity to relax when they feel anxious or stressed. It remains an effective way to improve the quality of life for your four-legged furry friend in a stressful situation.

Your home will be experiencing peace when your dog is calm and comfortable laying on the sprayed bed or blanket. This natural stress reliever has no side effects. You can rest assured that your dog will not be destroying your property before you return from work. Irrespective of the situation, the calming spray and cuddle bed produce outstanding results in relieving your dog from fear and anxiety.

Calming Zen ChewsThis tasty homeopathic is the solution to anxiety and stress for dogs. You can rest assured that your dog will be busy with this stress reliever when you are not home. With the presence of Chamomile, L-Theanine, and L-Tryptophan, every anxious dog can regain its sanity and quality of health.

Calming Zen Chews from Calming Dogs prevent your pet from strange behaviors like biting when stressed or anxious. A bag of Calming Zen Chews includes 60 Chews that can keep your dog busy when you leave it all alone at home. You are subscribing to peace of mind for yourself and the dog when you introduce this natural stress reliever to it.


Distinguishing between anxiety and medical conditions is very important to avoid approaching the issue incorrectly. So, if you are sure that your dog is experiencing anxiety, your first line of action is to introduce it to treatment and exercise. You should only consider prescribed medicines if the issue is beyond what treatment can solve. But, you must have a veterinarian or dog behavior expert show you how you can manage your dog's anxiety and fear problems. Acting in time helps in saving the lives of your Shih Tzu that reacts aggressively to its fear. Seek help where necessary, as you can get resources and information from online sources to help your Shih Tzu experience an everyday life yet again.

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