Why Your Brindle French Bulldog Experiences Stress

Brindle French Bulldog Sitting

A brindle French Bulldog stands 11 to 12 inches tall and weighs 16 to 28 lbs. The brindle French Bulldog makes an excellent companion that doesn't require a lot of outdoor exercise. They don't bark much, but they are very alert, which makes them an excellent watchdog. 

The Frenchie has enjoyed a long history as a companion dog. Bred to be miniature Bulldogs, they strongly resemble them apart from their large bat-like ears. They were created in England and brought to France with English lacemakers, giving them their name. Besides being companions, they were also used to catch rats, although this is no longer the case. They make good apartment dogs and are great for first-time dog owners. 

The brindle French Bulldog is small in stature but with a muscular build. A Frenchie likes to play, but they are just as content to lay on the couch. They are intelligent and receptive to training as long as you keep it fun. They are free thinkers and not ideal for obedience and agility though some show dogs have done so. They can be stubborn. They thrive on contact with their loving human friends. Generally, they get along with everyone in the family, including children. They can get territorial with their people in the presence of other dogs, so socialization is needed. They will thrive if you are consistent, firm, and patient. They are protective of home and family and will defend both with their life. 

Can Brindle French Bulldog Experience Stress? 

Just like people, brindle French Bulldogs can suffer from stress and anxiety. They are more likely to suffer from stress if adopted from a shelter or experienced abuse and neglect. It is thought that if the brindle French Bulldog recently lost a person close to them in coming to the shelter, this can contribute to their stress level. However, any brindle French Bulldog from any background can experience stress. 

What Is the Difference Between Fear and Anxiety in Brindle French Bulldogs?

Fear aggression can occur in situations where the brindle French Bulldog is afraid. Fear is the cause of most types of aggression. Fear is the reaction to a perceived threat. Anxiety is a response to an anticipated threat. A phobia is an exaggerated fear reaction that can result in panic. We wouldn't want our brindle French Bulldog to experience fear, and it is best to practice situation avoidance when possible. There are signs of anxiety you can watch for and things you can do to help. 

Separation Anxiety in Brindle French Bulldogs

All dogs are pack animals. It is thought that this pack bond is what creates the bond between a dog and its family. Separation anxiety can occur when a brindle French Bulldog is often left alone when his family is at work or school. Separation anxiety can cause destructive behavior like tearing up furniture and shoes and defecating inside the house. 

Causes of Stress in Brindle French Bulldogs

Some things cause stress in brindle French Bulldogs. Here are a few. 

Relocating to a New Environment

Moving to a new home could stress out your brindle French Bulldog. Sights and sounds are new and unfamiliar. There are new smells. Show them around and do your best to calm them. When you leave the house, they may not know for sure that you are coming back. This situation should improve with time. 

Sudden Loss of a Family Member

If someone in the home passes away, it could easily stress your brindle French Bulldog. They don't understand why their family member is gone and is not coming back. This too should ease with time but give them lots of love and toys during this difficult time. 

Staying at Home Alone

Brindle French Bulldogs don't like staying home alone for extended periods. This can cause depression and result in destructive behavior. Tearing up furniture, chewing up shoes, and defecating where they shouldn't be in the house can be frustrating and expensive. Thankfully, there are things you can do. 

Changes in Their Daily Routine

You need to stay consistent with your brindle French Bulldog. They should know when it's time to go for a walk, time to go to bed, and time to wake up. They should know when their next meal is coming. If you aren't consistent, you can stress out your brindle French Bulldog, which would be unfortunate. 

Bringing a New Pet Into the Family

Though people often socialize their dogs with new people and places, they might not have socialized them with other animals, leading to depression and stress when you bring a new pet home for the first time. You might want to try bringing your dog to the dog park before bringing a new dog home to live with you to see how your dog reacts. 

Confusing Commands

Brindle French Bulldogs don't have the same grasp on English the way people do. Though it might make sense to say, "Drop it," and "Give that here," as they can mean the same thing, it can be very confusing to a dog. You'll want to say the same things to your dog on a repeat basis to make sure your dog understands what to do. 

Staring Directly at Your Dog

Of course, your dog is adorable, and you want to look at him! However, don't stare directly at your brindle French Bulldog. You should look at them from the side instead. Looking and staring directly at a dog is a sign of aggression and can stress your brindle French Bulldog out. It would be unnecessary and unfortunate to stress out your dog simply by looking at him. 

Unnecessary Punishment

If your dog happens to roll in something or gets food off the counter, don't punish them. These are normal brindle French Bulldog behaviors. Instead, practice situation avoidance and don't allow your dog to do these things. Rather, keep them on a leash outside, and don't leave food on your counter. In this way, you can keep your brindle French Bulldog from upsetting you. 

Telling Your Dog, "It's alright."

Letting your dog know, "It's okay," at the veterinarian or during a thunderstorm can have negative consequences. Your brindle French Bulldog may then associate these words with fear. Give your dog treats instead so they are distracted from the situation at hand. 

Signs Your Brindle French Bulldog is Suffering From Stress

There are signs that your brindle French Bulldog is suffering from stress. Here are a few. 


One of the most commons signs of stress in a brindle French Bulldog is aggression which is normally toward people or other animals. The brindle French Bulldog will be very obvious in their behavior and won't be acting like themselves. You should pay attention if your Frenchie is aggressive, and there are things you can do about it. 


Sometimes brindle French Bulldogs might want to be alone and hang out in their dog bed. But if your Frenchie is avoiding you and is constantly under tables and chairs and things of that nature, it may be a sign your brindle French Bulldog is stressed. 

Loss of Appetite

It is very uncommon for a brindle French Bulldog to lose interest in its food. This can be a sign they are stressed. It is something to watch for as it can lead to more significant issues. 

Excessive or Abnormal Panting

While panting is not necessarily a sign of stress, it can be. It is called "behavioral panting" and is often seen with other stress behaviors. 

Excessive Licking

You may notice that your brindle French Bulldog licks his lips occasionally. It is sometimes done as an "appeasement gesture" to let other dogs know they are not a threat. It can be done in an excessive manner which would be a sign of stress. 

Whale Eye

Showing the white of the eye, known as "whale eye," is body language that shows stress. It can be paired with ears pulled back and a closed mouth with a stiff expression. 

Whining or Whimpering

Since your brindle French Bulldog can't talk, it can use whining and whimpering as a way to communicate. This may be paired with other behaviors that show stress. 

Frequent Yawning

When people yawn, it typically means that they are tired. However, this is not the case in brindle French Bulldogs. They may yawn as a sign of stress from being around too many people or a more dominant dog. 

Excessive Shedding

Brindle French Bulldogs are heavy shedders. You should be accustomed to how much your brindle French Bulldog sheds. If you notice more hair being shed than normal, it can be a result of stress. Like in humans, stress can trigger hormones in your brindle French Bulldog that may cause them to shed more. 

Excessive Barking

Dogs barking is typical, but brindle French Bulldogs are not a yappy breed by any means. If your dog barks excessively because you are leaving, then it is probably afraid of being left alone. Thankfully there are things you can do to address their separation anxiety. 

Change in Sleeping Habits

You should be aware of how often your brindle French Bulldog sleeps. Some dogs sleep more than others, but it's not uncommon for a nap during the day and for them to still sleep okay at night. If you notice your dog being uncomfortable and unable to sleep or are lethargic and sleep a lot, it may be a problem. This can be an indicator of stress or a larger medical issue. 

Destructive Chewing

Destructive chewing typically happens when a brindle French Bulldog owner is at work or school. You will come home to shoes or furniture destroyed. This is a sign of separation anxiety. The chewing behavior relaxes them as it distracts them from being alone. 

Change in Bodily Functions

In extreme cases of stress, your brindle French Bulldog may have a loss in bowel or bladder control. This is unfortunate, but don't punish your dog. There are things you can do. 

Digestive Issues

A rise in adrenaline from stress can cause constipation or diarrhea, and even vomiting. This comes from emotional distress. 

Shaking or Trembling

Shaking and trembling can be seen as signs of stress and may be combined with other stress behaviors. 

Pacing or Circling

Going back and forth at mealtime may be normal, but it may be a sign of stress if you notice it at other times. Circling can occur in a crate because they are claustrophobic and don't have enough room. 

Loss of Enthusiasm

The dog will have a general sense of apathy. They won't want to play fetch or do tricks for treats. This can be a sign of stress. 

Chewing on Paws

Chewing on paws can be a sign of stress and may be combined with other stress behaviors. 

Scratching Doors or Walls

Destructive behavior is a sign of separation anxiety and can be very frustrating and expensive. Don't worry, though. There are things you can do to help your brindle French Bulldog. 


When your dog is growling, they are letting you know that something is wrong and that they are uncomfortable. They may be ready to bite next, so pay attention to this sign and don't punish your dog for it. If left unaddressed, they may bite in the future. 

Body Language

There are many signs of body language that indicate a dog is stressed out, such as a tucked-back tail or tucked ears. You need to listen to what your Frenchie is telling you visually. 


When your brindle French Bulldog freezes, they are shutting down from stress. Pay attention to this sign as they may bite soon. You wouldn't want your dog to hurt anyone because they are upset. 

What We Know About Managing Stress in Humans

You may be surprised to learn that in humans and dogs, not all stress is bad. Stress can be nature's way of keeping you safe from danger. We know that while everyone has specific life stressors, things like work, school, money, and relationships can all be factors. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and good nutrition all help with stress. So do supplements and vitamins. One such supplement is L-Theanine which is an amino acid found in tea leaves. Wouldn't it be great if you could give supplements like L-Theanine to your dog? Well, you can, in the form of Calming Zen Chews from Calming Dog. They contain Chamomile, L-Theanine, and L-Tryptophan.

Other Treatments for Stress in Brindle French Bulldogs

There are ways to treat stress in brindle French Bulldogs. Here are a few. 

Give Proper Attention

Make sure you pay attention to your brindle French Bulldog and respond to them. Don't ignore them, as this can stress them out

Stay Consistent

Your dog should have a schedule of when they go for a walk, eat, get up, and go to bed. Otherwise, your brindle French Bulldog could get stressed out. 

Keep Them Entertained

Play with your Frenchie and give him the exercise he needs. 

Avoid Leaving Them Alone

Most people have to work or go to school but try to avoid leaving your dog alone for long periods as this can cause separation anxiety. 

Provide Safety

Provide your French Bulldog with a spacious and safe area to play and sleep. 

Encourage Them

Encourage your French Bulldog to overcome stress and support them. 

Have Toys

Make sure you have a wide array of toys available for your dog to play with. If you don't have these toys, they might become bored and stressed out. 

Learn Your Dog's Body Language

Many body language signs can tell you that your dog is stressed, such as whale eye, tucked ears, or a tucked tail. You need to pay attention to what your dog is telling you. 

Don't Force Your Dog to Face the Situation

Some people think a dog should face its fears; however this can lead to aggression and trauma

Let Them Have Alone Time

Don't constantly give them attention. Have a dog bed or crate where they can go and be alone as well. 

Keep Your Stress Levels Down

If you are often moody or erratic, this can upset your dog. Do your best to stay calm around them. 


You may wish to hire a trainer for your dog. Do your research and make sure the person is qualified to help you before paying them any money. 


Introduce your dog to new people, places, and things. You want to make sure your dog will be calm in the future when confronted with new things. 


Make sure to feed your dog a portion of high-quality dog food. A healthy dog is less likely to be stressed. 

Situation Avoidance

You shouldn't change your whole life, but you should avoid situations you know will upset your dog. If he's afraid of other dogs, then don't take him to the dog park. 

Crate Training

Crate training can be good for your brindle French Bulldog. Be careful, though, as crates stress some dogs out.  You'll have to watch their behavior to be sure. If crates stress them out, block them off with a baby gate instead. 

Giving Your Dog Jobs

Take your dog to experience new things like a new trail or hike. Give them food puzzle toys. Make sure your dog is mentally stimulated. 


Brindle French Bulldogs are great dogs. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, they make excellent companions and easily integrate into the modern family. However, brindle French Bulldogs can suffer from anxiety. There are signs to look out for and things you can do, though. Hopefully, this article was helpful if you have a stressed-out French Bulldog. 

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