Why Your Pitweiler Suddenly Adopted Destructive Behaviors

pitweiler laying in the grass

As a Pitweiler owner, there are few more devastating scenarios than coming home after a hard day at work or other activities to discover that someone vandalized your house. For example, seeing a pair of shoes in shreds, a couch that seems to have exploded, and so on. So it is natural to want to know why your Pitweiler suddenly adopted destructive behaviors.

There are a few possible reasons for this shift in destructive behavior. It could be that your dog is bored and needs more stimulation, so they are acting out to get your attention. Another possibility for this unwanted destructive behavior is that they are experiencing anxiety or stress that is causing them to lash out.

Whatever the reason, it is crucial to prevent further destructive behavior and help your Pitweiler feel better.

But first, let's take a look at the characteristics of a Pitweiler, a powerful dog, to help understand why they can suddenly adopt a destructive behavior.

Pitweiler Overview

The American Pit Bull Terrier is crossed with the Rottweiler to produce the Pitweiler, also known as Bullrott or Pitbull Terrier, and are considered large breed dogs. The DRA and IDCR recognize the mixed-breed, but not the American Kennel Club, which does not acknowledge any Pitbull breeds. The result is a medium-sized to large dog breed with well-honed protective instincts, a quick mind, and a stubborn streak, which conceal that Pitweilers are typically loving and sympathetic within their families.

High-energy, active dogs, like the Pitweiler, require at least an hour of exercise each day to preserve their health, yet their grooming needs are typically straightforward.

The difference is noticeable when you compare an American Pitbull Terrier to a Rottweiler. A stocky, short-legged, broad-chested Pitbull and a tall, muscular Rottweiler produce an impressive result. Pitweilers are delicate giants that make fantastic family pets. However, there are some things to think about before getting a Pitweiler.

A Pitweiler is commonly subjected to prejudice and may receive negative remarks from your family and neighbors, mainly on aggression, which is the typical reaction to large breeds. However, dog owners need a great deal of patience and perseverance to help them become well-behaved adult dogs since both of their parents are strong-willed.

A Pitweiler is a descendant of highly-bright pedigrees, so you can expect them to pick things up quickly. However, their tenacity and self-reliance can make it challenging to train them. Still, if you're comfortable with this powerful mix breed's abilities and apply proper training, you'll have an agile, independent, intelligent, and loyal watchdog and not a dangerous dog.

Like many other mixed breeds, the female is smaller than the male. A female often has problems mingling with other female canines due to their stature. They are more aggressive and domineering around females. A male Pitweiler, on the other hand, will never have any difficulties socializing with anybody in particular.

pitweiler laying in the grass

Pitweiler Temperament

It's difficult to predict how a mixed dog will act since they are a mix of two distinct breeds. Of course, the parents influence the Pitweiler personality, but it also reflects which parent each puppy emulates most.

Your Pitweiler may have more Pit Bull genes or more Rottweiler genes. Pit bulls and Rottweilers are sociable, bright, loving, trustworthy, and powerful. However, they can differ in appearance.

Pitbulls are stocky and powerful, just like their ancestors. So a Pitweiler will have a face that resembles more a Pitbull than a Rottweiler, although their bodies will be stockier and stronger like a Rottweiler.

Rottweilers and Pitbulls share a common ancestry, yet there are many variations. Both Pitbulls and Pitweilers may be brown, black, red, white, or even brindle coated! For example, your dog may be blue like the Blue Nose Pitbull or red like the American Staffordshire Terrier (Staffordshire Bull Terrier). Because both Rottweilers and Pitties have short coats that are easy to groom, you won't have to worry much about grooming!

Both parent breeds are also incredibly energetic due to their working dog histories. As a result, your puppy will undoubtedly have a lot of energy! You may use some of this enthusiasm to teach him not to engage in destructive behavior or aggressive behavior.

The Pitweiler is not only quick to learn, but it is also extremely intelligent and easy to train. Therefore, make sure to offer your dog several weekly positive, reward-based training lessons. It will keep your dog engaged and enthusiastic about learning new abilities instead of destructive behavior!

It's also critical to remember that early socialization is crucial. Introducing your puppy to new individuals, animals, and circumstances helps to foster confidence and healthy limits. They will even tolerate cats! It will help you avoid any dogfighting or destructive behavior.

Some people want their Pitweiler to serve as a guard dog, while others do not. They are friendly dogs that are nevertheless vigilant and wary of strangers. As a result, invest your effort in improving the trait you wish to emphasize the most.

Furthermore, a Pitweiler is best suited to families who have plenty of time to spend with them and have previous experience with large dog breeds. If left alone for extended periods, your dog may develop destructive behavior such as whining, barking, crying, chewing, digging, and other destructive behavior. Unfortunately, this is why so many big dogs wind up in shelters.

If you have to leave your Pitweiler puppy at home alone, instead of using a crate, try this unique calming carrier (but only if it is still a small puppy) that can double as an enclosed bed. Make sure to leave them with cool fresh water also.

To prevent destructive behavior, make sure your Rottweiler- Pitbull mixed breed gets at least one hour of strenuous exercise before leaving them alone. You may also offer him a crate or a den to relax in while you are gone.

Leaving your dog alone for longer than a few hours is an invitation to destructive behavior. If you'll be gone for more than a few hours, getting a dog walker or enrolling your Pitweiler at doggie daycare is good. They will get positive socialization and won't have as much pent-up energy when you return since they will have had time to release some of their tension. If you leave your dog alone, destructive behavior may manifest, and they could end up in a shelter.

Pitweiler Exercise Requirements

This breed requires around an hour of intense exercise every day to maintain their muscular bodies, although they will generally respond better if split into two or three sessions.

Owners of muscular dogs, such as the Pitweiler, have found that weight vests assist them in developing or retaining their muscles, as well as control over-enthusiastic behaviors. However, before modifying how your dog walks, such as using a weight vest, see a veterinarian to ensure their joints are robust enough to support the extra strain.

Your dog may also participate in other activities, such as herding competitions, rally events, and even canine freestyle dance shows.

pitweiler laying by the pool

Reasons Why Your Pitweiler Might Engage in Destructive Behavior

Your Pitweiler Is Teething

Everyone adores puppies, but they frequently forget about the teething period. Soon after, the puppy will be gnawing and chewing everything.

Remember, the Pitweiler puppy is still adorable and will eventually outgrow this teething phase, but you'll have to cope with the problem for now.

You want to teach them what's acceptable to chew on and what isn't. The teething stage will not last long.

When their first set of temporary teeth shows, a Pitweiler begins teething. It happens between the 2nd and 4th weeks after birth. The Pitweiler will end up with 28 baby teeth by the 6th week.

After the first six weeks, you can begin weaning your dog. Offer soft and moist meals at this point. If your Pitweiler puppy does not have all 28 teeth by the end of the 8th week, come back afterward. Even the laggards among them have all of their baby teeth by that time.

When your puppy reaches six months of age, the adolescent period should last around six months. However, because it may take up to a year for your puppy to mature fully (both physically and cognitively), you'll have to be patient. Therefore, it's also critical that you begin training now.

Dealing With the Teething Stage

To avoid the loss of your things, offer your Pitweiler puppy a variety of items to chew.

It's a good idea to introduce one or two toys at a time to prevent your Pitweiler puppy from becoming bored with the current collection. For example, rather than having your puppy chew on your furniture, he should chew and bite on toys that you offer. Then, take away those afterward and offer some new toys to gnaw on. It will most certainly reduce some destructive behavior.

It's like Christmas for a kid. Parents invest a lot of money in gifts, and the children play with them for only a few minutes before discarding them in various places all over the yard. If you keep your toys out for a while and then bring them back out later, your dog will believe they've discovered a new play toy.

It may be tempting to wait it out since the pain should calm down after the teething stops, but you shouldn't do this. The ideal moment to establish good habits is while your dog is still young. It's simpler to teach a puppy new behaviors than an older dog because they're more flexible. However, if you don't take action now to curb its destructive behavior, it may remain into adulthood.

A Pitweiler Puppy Loves To Explore

Pitweiler pups, like human infants, have a period in their lives when they are eager to consume everything they can get their hands on.

It's not destructive behavior. Instead, it's a form of education about their world. They aren't aware of how your chair leg tastes, but they are interested, so they'll give it a little taste.

Some of your belongings may only have one or two tooth impressions. However, if you don't discover them in time, your puppy might destroy them if they like the flavor or feel of whatever they find.

Anything left on the floor is most vulnerable during this period because it will be in your puppy's line of vision. That's why it's so important to keep your floors clear of anything you don't want your puppy chewing.

happy pitweiler with grass on its nose

What To Do When Your Pitweiler Pup Explores

When your puppy reaches the age where they chew things to explore, you should be careful about picking things up off the floor and not leaving items out.

It would be best if you also took this as an opportunity to get started on obedience lessons with your puppy. For example, you can teach your pup not to chew things once they've learned the "no" command. If you don't start proper training early, destructive behavior is sure to rear its ugly head!

Make sure you utilize positive reinforcement training methods on your puppy's development.

A Pitweiler Will Chew When They Are Hungry

When your dog is hungry, they may begin to chew on anything.

Biting something at random while they wait for their dinner to be served is not likely to develop into a destructive behavior habit, but you still need to put a stop to it. However, if you don't have a regular schedule, chewing out of hunger might become an issue.

If you give your dog meals at random intervals, they won't know when their next meal is arriving, and they'll become nervous and start to display some destructive behavior. Furthermore, if they notice that you feed them only when they start chewing on your shoes, they will be able to call you to deliver meals.

Another problem is if your dog is on a diet. Because Pitweilers are big dogs, any additional weight can damage their joints. However, if you feed them calorie-restricted dog food, your dog will be hungrier throughout the day and may chew as a result.

How To Stop Your Pitweiler From Chewing Out of Hunger

To prevent your dog from chewing out of hunger, establish a regular feeding time and follow it as closely as possible. There will always be odd days when you are unable to reach home in time, and so forth, but as long as these events are the exception, it should not be an issue.

If your Pitweiler is chewing because they are adjusting to their new reduced-calorie diet, offer them a few low-calorie treats such as carrots or celery. Only provide them with tiny portions. You should also double-check with your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is getting enough nutrients.

A Pitweiler Will Chew When Bored

A Pitweiler is a clever dog that requires mental stimulation daily to be completely happy, and a Pitweiler who is bored may chew as a pastime or as a way to vent their energy.

When it comes to their mental health, bored dogs may have more significant behavioral problems than well-exercised dogs. In particular, if you lock your dog up for lengthy amounts of time, whether at home or not, this is a significant concern that can promote destructive behavior.

How To Keep Your Pitweiler From Being Bored

To prevent your Pitweiler from chewing or another destructive behavior out of boredom, make sure they have enough entertaining things to do. Take the time to play with your dog. It engages their minds as well as helps them fight boredom.

It's not feasible to play games with your dog all of the time, but there are still many things you can do. You might give them toys and chews as well. If you have the time, energy, money, and space for a second dog, adding a buddy dog may be helpful.

Finally, be sure to take your Pitweiler on plenty of walks and let them run around at a park or in an open field. This will help them healthily release their energy. Then when you come home from the park your dog can flop down on a nice calming cuddle bed and take a long nap.

pitweiler laying in the grass in the backyard

A Pitweiler Will Chew When They Have a Lot of Pent Up Energy

Is your dog continuously barking for no apparent reason? Have they begun digging up your flower beds? Is it your pup chewing on your shoes or the couch? When you're trying to do some work, do they bug you to engage with them all the time? Do they engage in other destructive behavior?

There's a straightforward answer in many situations: your dog is bored! Dogs, like people, grow weary. To keep them occupied and interested, give them exercise, training, interactive toys, and brain games. Your flower beds, shoes, and sofa will not be destroyed when you provide them with methods to burn off their excess energy.

Dogs are just like small children in that they have a tough time comprehending how to use their surplus energy or stress. As a result, they frequently turn to some compulsive or destructive behavior such as chewing or digging as a way of relieving pent-up tension and anxiety.

Don't just concentrate on physical activity to keep your dog occupied; they also need mental stimulation. When your dog isn't given enough exercise, they get irritated and may turn their frustrations on your furniture and shoes. If they can't work out their whole bodies, they'll settle for a decent jaw workout.

Exercise Your Pitweiler To Reduce Their Pent Up Energy

Play With a Flirt Pole

Flirt poles are a fantastic toy that quickly tires out high-energy dogs (and bonus: they may be utilized in dog training).

You're probably wondering what a flirt pole is. Consider it to be like a larger cat toy or a fishing pole. Because the pole allows you to chase after a toy while remaining stationary, it makes playing with your Pitweiler simpler without having to run all over.

Wearing a harness is not for everyone, and it takes some getting used to. It may feel strange at first to hold and exercise your Pitweiler in one, but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot of fun!

Play Fetch With Your Pitweiler

Another simple game to wear out your energetic dog is fetch, which doesn't always need to be outside. To keep them occupied, alternate what type of toys your Pitweiler dog can chase and retrieve. You can play fetch inside on a rainy day or while you're working from home if you use one of your dog's favorite stuffy toys or a softball.

Avoiding throwing wood sticks when playing fetch is a must-follow rule for everyone. These can result in splinters, punctures, or other issues.

Is your dog hesitant to play fetch? That's perfectly normal! Each dog has their preferences when it comes to games. You may try playing Tug-o-War instead or teaching your dog to play fetch.

Take Your Pitweiler on a “Sniff Walk”

Have you ever considered how dull a typical walk for your dog might be? Instead of going on a regular stroll, try doing a "sniff walk" with your dog. This sort of walk involves allowing your dog to take the lead and wander wherever their nose takes them.

Obviously, you're there to keep a watch on their leash and ensure that they don't consume anything off-limits, but also give them the freedom to explore new scents. Allow them to sniff for as long as they would like and let them choose where they want to go as long as it's safe to do so.

Smell exercises are a terrific method for dogs to relieve stress and relax, and avoid any destructive behavior. Their brains are processing so much information that it makes these activities a fantastic way to burn off excess energy. But, of course, it's also an excellent way for your dog (and you) to unwind and relax.

pitweiler standing by the shore

How About Signing Your Pitweiler Up for a Dog Sport?

Dog sports not only keep your dog active, but they also provide a wealth of mental stimulation. There are several different dog sports to participate in. Try out a few to see which one you and your Pitweiler enjoy the most.

There are local dog sports clubs that you may join (even if you don't intend to compete and just want to have fun), as well as many dog training centers that provide classes in a variety of canine sports.

Fun Dog Sports To Play With Your Dog

Agility, Flyball, Treibball, and Canine Freestyle are just a few of the dog sports that you can play with your dog. Dock jumping is another one. Carting and Rally-O are two other popular sports categories for dogs. Barn hunting is another game you may enjoy playing when accompanied by your canine companion. Finally, nose work and tracking are examples of activities while working or searching for prey.

All of these can relieve boredom in your Pitweiler. It's much better than the destructive behavior that accompanies boredom!

Build a Pit for Your Pitweiler To Dig In

Some dogs adore digging - especially Dachshunds and Schnauzers, who were developed to hunt rodents. Digging, even though it can be destructive behavior, is a normal dog behavior, and if your dog has nothing else to do in the yard, it will dig out of boredom.

Provide your dog with somewhere they are permitted to dig to preserve your garden. You may accomplish this in several ways, including:

Fill your tiny pool or sandbox container with kid-friendly dirt or sand.

Make a distinction between "digging" and other activities in your yard. Then, choose a specific corner or region of your yard where digging is acceptable. To assist your dog in learning where it's OK to dig, use tiny garden dividers.

Make a dirt or sand-filled raised garden bed.

Hide some of your dog's toys, snacks, or chews in their assigned location. Begin by leaving the toy partially visible before burying it entirely to make things simple.

Take your Pitweiler out on a walk and point it at the dig pit. Get more involved in assisting them in finding their buried treasure and getting excited when they unearth items.

If your dog goes to unpermitted places and begins digging, guide them back to their preferred spot. Then consider restricting their access to the other areas until they learn not to dig in the wrong location.

Have Your Pitweiler Play With Interactive Puzzles

It's not very exciting to give your dog a regular dog dish. However, dogs are natural foragers, so making them go looking for their kibble is a great way to exercise their minds.

If you have a dog who devours its food at breakneck speed, an interactive puzzle for meals is a wonderful method to slow them down and avoid choking.

pitweiler looking into the distance

Have Scheduled Play Dates With Your Pitweiler

Playing with and interacting with other dogs is an excellent mental workout for your dog while also keeping their social skills sharp. It's also an easy way to burn off some steam, both physically and mentally. Puppies, in particular, need to learn how to talk dog since it is a lot of mental effort for dogs!

Ensuring that all dogs have a good time during play is critical. To prevent fights or scuffles, make sure you manage their play and keep an eye on the group's dynamics.

Some dogs may not enjoy playing at a dog park, so don't expect them to be socialized or active there. Some dogs do better with a known companion, so book them a "date" to hang out with a buddy or go for walks together if they aren't interested in play as much as when they were younger.

A Pitweiler Will Chew Things To Get Your Attention

Dogs are not the same as humans in that they can be malicious, but they can learn what puts us off and utilize it to gain our attention, and destructive behavior is their main way they show you.

This is what your dog will do if you show that you will continue with what you are doing unless they bring your preferred throw cushion or the television remote to chew in front of you.

Training is the Fix

Because anything you do to prevent them from chewing is merely providing them with the attention they desire, it's simply reinforcing the destructive behavior. It's difficult to fix because any effort to discourage them from chewing only serves to strengthen their interest in doing so.

If they bring chewing items in front of you, try getting up and walking away without acknowledging them.

If they stop chewing the object, return and pick it up once again without paying attention. After a few minutes, you can begin paying them attention if they don't try it again.

A Pitweiler Will Chew When Anxious or Distressed Caused by Separation Anxiety

A Pitweiler is a devoted and loving breed of dog. They are quickly bonding with their owner and want to be seen all the time. Anxiety isn't unusual behavior for any dog, Pitweiler included, but it can lead to destructive behavior.

We're confident you wouldn't want your pet to be unhappy, so it's critical to detect and address any concerns as soon as possible. Natural treatments are sometimes successful in treating anxiety, but seeing a veterinarian is advised if you're unable to do so.

Separation anxiety is one of the most common anxieties in a dog. When your puppy is left alone, this sort of anxiety may be observed, and destructive behavior is sure to follow.

It's been noted that because of separation anxiety, your Pitweiler might become more violent or exhibit destructive behavior. For example, if left alone, he may bite on anything causing damage to your personal belongings or even start howling and barking.

Because of a high trauma in their history or because it is part of their personality, a Pitweiler or any other dog might be anxious about being separated from its owner.

Because of anxiety in your dog, he may display not only destructive behavior but also have diarrhea, incessant barking, lack of participation in any fun activity, hiding or tucking his tail.

How To Help Eliminate Separation Anxiety From Your Pitweiler

The majority of individuals believe that the greatest remedy for this sort of worry is to not keep your dog away from you for more than a minute. This, however, is not correct. We all have other responsibilities that we must fulfill.

pitweiler laying on the ground

As a result, the following are some possible answers for alleviating this kind of anxiety:

Before you leave your dog at home, it is recommended that you provide him with plenty of exercise and keep his toys close so that he may chew on them.

If you're leaving him, ignore him when you get ready to go; this lets them know that you have other things on your mind.

You might add another dog to your pack if you choose.

Try a Homeopathic remedy, such as Calming Zen Chews, which will help your Pitweiler relax when they're feeling stressed or anxious.

A Pitweiler who is anxious is likely to experience stress for various reasons, including sickness, aging, change in circumstances, and so on, which can all lead to destructive behavior.

Your Pitweiler Likes To Jump on People

You are probably all too familiar with how ecstatic your Pitweiler is when you return home. They want to jump all over you and give you kisses and tell you how much they missed you.

Unfortunately, this is terrible behavior and might even be considered destructive behavior if they cause injury or ripped clothing, especially if you have visitors. Surely they don't want to get knocked down, so teach your dog the correct way to welcome a visitor.

Your Pitweiler's first reaction is to leap up and sniff your face, as it is with other dogs. This is how they say "Hi" to other dogs, so this is how they think they should greet you. You may teach your dog that leaping isn't a good idea for greeting guests by using a few tips.

First Tip

When you return home, keep your cool. Look over their head and keep your hands away from them when opening the door to a leaping Rottweiler.

After the dog's front paws touch the ground, immediately pet them and give quiet attention to them. Do not become excited; maintain your composure.

If your Pitweiler continues to jump, face the other way. Keep your back to them until all four paws are on the ground; then give them a little praise and attention immediately, but don't overdo it!

Second Tip

By training your dog to sit when they greet you or a visitor, you may also help them learn good greeting etiquette. Tell them to sit when you return home when your dog is leaping on you.

When they've taken their seats, offer them quiet praise and attention. Walking out the door when your dog starts jumping on you as you walk in is another method to teach the "sit" greeting. Open the door and ask your Pitweiler to sit. Only after they've complied should you go inside, giving them immediate quiet praise and attention if they stay seated.

close up photo of a pitweiler sitting on the ground

Third Tip

If you're home when your Pitweiler's playing with toys, leave one by the door for when you return. Grab the toy and fling it for your dog to avoid being jumped on as soon as you enter the home.

This will have your dog forget about jumping on you and immediately focus on the toy you're going to toss for them. Be careful not to let your dog jump on you to avoid scolding or ignoring them.

Fourth Tip

Invite your pals over and have them assist you. When you open the door, tell your friends to come in and keep their eyes off your Pitweiler while keeping their hands tucked away.

If the dog leaps, instruct them to turn their back to the dog. Tell the person to softly stroke the Pitweiler on the head when all four paws are on the ground.

Keep in mind that while you're training your dog to stay on their feet, you are also teaching them how to get down and sit. As the pack leader, make sure you praise your Pitweiler for keeping their paws on the floor as well. Hopefully, this will assist your dog in learning how to properly greet individuals without leaping up.

When To Seek Help

If your Pitweiler has suddenly developed destructive behavior, and nothing is helping, it's best to seek professional help as soon as possible.

There could be several underlying reasons for the destructive behavior, and only a trained expert will be able to diagnose the problem correctly.

Your Pitweiler may have anxiety issues, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or another behavioral disorder that requires medication and therapy.

Don't try to handle these problems on your own - get help from a qualified individual

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