Long Haired Dachshund Breed Guide

close up of long haired dachshund

Long haired Dachshund puppies are known for their courage, tenacity, and sense of adventure. They are especially brave when it comes to protecting their territory and their owners, but they can also be slightly challenging to train due to their independent nature. As family dogs, they are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They get along well with children if treated well.

Long haired Dachshund puppies have a loud bark and distinctive deep howling voices. They tend to be fearless, enterprising, lively dogs with great stamina and are always ready to go. Although they are small, long haired Dachshund puppies can be rambunctious and headstrong. A long haired Dachshund will learn best by repetition and reward, so positive training methods work best with this breed.

Understanding how to care for your long haired Dachshund will guarantee that you provide the best life possible for your pup. Read this breed guide to understand exactly why the long haired Dachshund is so unique!

Long Haired Dachshund Dog Breed Explained.

As a whole, Dachshunds were bred for hunting in Germany over 400 years ago. Specifically, the Dachshund was bred to scent, chase, track, fight badgers (mainly), and other burrow-dwelling animals such as rabbits and foxes. Dachshund means "badger dog" in German, from Dachs (badger) and Hund (dog). According to the American Kennel Club's standards, "Dachshunds can be standard-sized (usually 16 to 32 pounds) or miniature (11 pounds or under), and come in one of three coat types: smooth, wirehaired, or long-haired."

The long haired Dachshund has a longer body than it is tall, with muscular thighs that give power to its short legs. Your long-haired Dachshund can be an excellent watchdog because they were bred to be independent hunters. Also, they have that loud, distinctive bark. However, dachshunds can't run as fast as other dogs and can get hurt easily when jumping off things due to their short legs and long bodies.

Long haired dachshunds have long, soft hair that hangs down over their face and back. Their coat also hangs down over their paws and legs. The long haired Dachshund is a sturdy, compact dog with short, stubby legs.

Almost every long haired Dachshund puppy is bold and courageous. There are two distinct groups of long haired dachshunds: those with wavy coats (referred to as "rabbit") and those with straight hair ("smooth"). The wavy coat variety is rarer than the others. They need regular grooming with a bristle brush or pin brush (to prevent matting) and regular baths. This breed is an average shedder, though they will have "blowouts" to lose their undercoat twice a year.

Dachshunds generally have long ears that hang, a long body, a deep chest, and short legs. Their tails are usually long and can sometimes have a kink.

The long haired Dachshund has an unusually sensitive nose in keeping with their scent hound ancestry. The long haired Dachshund was created to be a companion and family pet; they are energetic dogs with lots of character. They are particularly lively and playful and enjoy being the center of attention.

 According to the American Kennel Club, long haired Dachshunds are "friendly, curious, and spunky. With his unmistakable long-backed body, little legs, and big personality, (the long-haired Dachshund) is truly an icon of purebred dogdom."

Because the long haired Dachshund is so long in stature, its most serious health concern is often related to its spine. But, as a responsible guardian to long haired Dachshund puppies, you can provide support to help prevent spinal diseases. Invest in tools like stairs and ramps to encourage your long haired Dachshund to take those routes. Your intention is to stop them from jumping on and off furniture like your bed or couch! This repetitive jumping will only encourage problems as your long-haired Dachshund ages. As for other health concerns, it is not uncommon to see heart disease throughout the breed.

While long haired Dachshund puppies are adorable, gentle, lovable, and fun, they are also incredibly stubborn. Therefore, training your long haired Dachshund puppies is a must if you want a well-behaved pup. If you are looking for a lifetime of love, then the long haired Dachshund is the perfect dog for you.

long hair dachshund standing on asphalt

Psychological Predispositions Of the Long Haired Dachshund.

When it comes to psychological predispositions and general temperament, your long haired Dachshund puppies are energetic, bold, fearless, and always up for fun! They love to play and romp around with their family. And, long haired Dachshunds are also very much attached to their owners. Because of their breeding, they love to burrow, and that doesn't change when it comes to blankets and snuggling close to you.

Your long haired Dachshund will have a powerful voice that it uses often. If you are the type who likes peace and quiet, this may not be the breed for you.

Your long haired Dachshund puppies will let you know when it is dinner time, that there is a stranger at the door, or if they have other needs. Most long haired Dachshunds will bark quite a bit, but this does not mean that they aren't affectionate towards their family. Quite the contrary - they want to make sure that everyone knows just how much they love them!

The long haired Dachshund is a playful dog that loves to be involved in everything their human companions do. They are highly intelligent and tend to be independent thinkers. They love having a job to do, and you can even train them to do tricks; they are quick learners. If you want a dog that will keep you entertained, this is the breed for you!

Your long haired Dachshund puppies are not just courageous and loyal. Unfortunately, they are also very naughty, particularly when it comes to their food. These dogs love to eat and will eat almost anything that fits in their mouth! And, unfortunately, their bad eating habits also lead to problems. Dachshunds can quickly develop digestive and dental issues because they tend to overeat.

Long haired Dachshund puppies are considered to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds, but do not let this fool you; they will still test you to see how far they can push the boundaries! They do not like to be ignored by their owners and tell them when this happens. They will run in front of their owner and make their legs move back and forth so that the owner cannot ignore them in favor of whatever else they are doing. This neediness is why it is also said that the long haired Dachshund lives in your lap. They need to be close by to make sure that you are aware of their presence.

The Dachshund is a very clever and intelligent dog. And, your long haired Dachshund needs attention and interaction. Without interaction often, they will not do well if left alone all day. Without proper training and support, it is very common for long haired Dachshund puppies to experience stress and anxiety. But, what are the signs of stress? How do you know if your long haired Dachshund is suffering from anxiety, and what can you do as a guardian to support your beloved long haired Dachshund puppies? Keep reading this guide to understand how to provide for your long haired Dachshund.

long hair dachshund running through grass

Stress and Your Long Haired Dachshund.

As mentioned in the previous section, your long haired Dachshund is not immune to stress. Not all stress is bad, and it is essential to understand the differences so you can better support your long haired Dachshund puppies! But, how do you know if your long-haired Dachshund is stressed? The first step is to watch for symptoms of stress in your long haired Dachshund.

So you think your dog's furrowed brow is cute? Well, maybe it is. But many guardians don't realize that this could be an easy sign that your long haired Dachshund is experiencing stress.

Another very obvious sign that your long haired Dachshund is experiencing stress is if he is licking his lips often. Long haired Dachshund puppies lick their lips when they feel anxious because they are trying to release some tension in their bodies. So if your long haired Dachshund licks his lips often, this may be a sign that he is stressed or worried about something.

Unfortunately, many owners assume that their dogs are just happy to see them when they're shaking or twitching – and often, dogs will shake or twitch when they are very excited about seeing their owners. However, if your dog shakes or twitches after being left alone, this may be an indication that he feels stressed when left alone and misses you.

Likewise, when a dog lowers his head while walking around the house or tucks his tail between his legs often, this could mean that he feels stressed or that something has him concerned. If you notice this behavior from your long haired Dachshund, try to observe their body language and surroundings to see if he seems upset about something.

Dachshunds are just as likely to feel stressed when left alone as when they are out and about. They are also very sensitive to changes in their environment and routine. A change in schedule or routine can be enough to get a Dachshund feeling stressed.

You must pay attention to your long haired Dachshund's behavior. And, if you notice any of the signs listed above, try to determine what might be causing them.

Stress in your long haired Dachshund can occur due to many different sources. First, take note of what sorts of things cause your long haired Dachshund puppies increased stress, and then look for patterns in those causes. For example, does your dog seem more stressed on days when there are a lot of visitors at the house? Does he seem more stressed on days when there are thunderstorms? Understanding these triggers is essential in supporting your long-haired Dachshund puppies.

It's essential to recognize these signs of nervousness in your dog, so you can help him get over these feelings. Without your support and attention, it's possible that your long haired Dachshund can develop more severe symptoms. And, if this happens, your long haired Dachshund may become more destructive. So, getting to know your long haired Dachshund puppies and what causes their stress can only strengthen your bond and make them feel more supported.

two long haired dachshunds sitting in snow

Anxiety and Your Long Haired Dachshund.

Long haired Dachshund puppies, like many small dogs, are prone to separation anxiety.

When your long haired Dachshund is left alone for extended periods of time, it can trigger this anxiety. This behavior is not your long haired Dachshund being "mean" or "nasty." Separation anxiety is a common anxiety that affects many dogs.

Dogs are masters at hiding their emotions, but there are some signs you should look for to determine if your dog is experiencing separation anxiety. For example, your Dachshund may be showing signs of separation anxiety if he's constantly upset while you're out.

When a dog feels isolated or abandoned, their anxiety can become heightened. This heightened anxiety will often manifest with your dog acting out by chewing, barking, digging, and even sometimes destroying their surroundings.

Your long haired Dachshund may obsessively chew on objects in your home or dig at walls or doors when you leave the house. Some dogs will also have trouble eating when stressed and lose interest in their favorite toys or treats.

Some dogs may also exhibit physical symptoms of separation anxiety such as trembling, excessive salivation, panting, and pacing back and forth. And, there is a chance your long haired Dachshund will experience diarrhea as a result of its anxiety.

As most long haired Dachshund guardians can contest, their dogs never have a problem with their appetites! If there is one thing your long haired Dachshund puppies can do, it's eat. One tell-tale sign that your long haired Dachshund may be struggling with anxiety is if you notice a consistent reduction in their appetite.

Because it is so common for them to love food, it's usually pretty easy to see if their appetite decreases. Make sure to monitor these symptoms to see if they worsen over time. If so, you may need to take your long haired Dachshund to be checked out.

Severe separation anxiety can make your long haired Dachshund completely unapproachable when you come home. The dog will bark, whine and jump up on the owner. Remember, shouting at your dog for chewing or barking or acting out isn't going to help much. Your long haired Dachshund is anxious – not naughty. The more you punish him for his anxiety, the more anxious he'll get and the worse his behavior will be. So if you want to help him, take some time to figure out why he misbehaves when he's feeling anxious. While this behavior can be very traumatic for the owner and the long haired Dachshund, it's worth understanding anxiety so you can support your dog.

Mental symptoms of anxiety often include depression and lethargy. In addition, your long haired Dachshund puppies will usually be quiet, avoiding eye contact and seemingly uninterested in everything around them.

Older dachshunds often become more destructive after a loss, such as the death of a companion. Boredom is also a factor that can cause anxiety with long haired Dachshund puppies, so try to give your dog something to do.

Understanding your long haired Dachshund's stress and anxiety triggers is just the first step to supporting them. Next, as their guardian, you must also have tools to help relieve their stress and anxiety.

close up of long haired dachshund

How To Relax Your Long Haired Dachshund.

When it comes to helping your long haired Dachshund puppies relax, there are a few steps that you can take as their guardian. And, while there are many things to try, it is essential to try something you believe in and feel comfortable managing consistently. Make sure you have a plan, and then stick with it.

One way to help relieve your long haired Dachshund's anxiety is to make sure your Dachshund gets plenty of exercise. Take him outside every day, even if it's just for a walk around the block. More active dogs tend to be less stressed than sedentary dogs (and vice versa). A tired dog is a happy dog!

The next way to help relieve stress and anxiety in your long haired Dachshund is to create a calming environment. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive; just an area where he can go and chill out without having to interact with people or other animals. In the end, if your dog is prone to anxiety, you will want to make a safe and comforting area for them.

This safe space can be their crate or bed, or it may be just a corner on the living room floor. The key is that this spot should be free from distractions or anything else that may cause stress. Make sure that the space is well-lit and comfortable with soft blankets or other cozy items. And, in their safe space, keep background noises to a minimum. While many dogs enjoy the sound of television or music, some find it stressful, and others are utterly oblivious to it altogether.

Some dogs prefer to eat their meals alone. If you routinely place bowls of food out for your dog and find their bowl full by the time you've returned from work, then your long haired Dachshund is probably feeling stressed out. As mentioned before, a change or loss in appetite is a clear sign that your long haired Dachshund is experiencing more severe stress and anxiety. Instead of leaving their food out all day, try feeding them in a separate room, or at least with their own plate on the other side of the room from where you eat each night.

Learn to read your long haired Dachshund's body language. First, look for signs that your pup is stressed, like furrowed brows and snappy behavior when you approach them. Once you've identified those signs, observe what is triggering the symptom. From there, try to remove the source of stress from their environment and spend more time with them.

One of the easiest and best ways to help relieve stress and anxiety in your long haired Dachshund at home is playtime! As your dog's guardian, you have an unbelievably calming effect on their nervous system. Please don't underestimate the power you have in helping their anxiety.

Playtime and dedicated time for petting and cuddling will surely help relieve their general stress and anxiety quickly and easily. Be sure to include games such as fetch and tug-of-war that involve physical activity and mental stimulation during playtime.

There are many ways you can help relieve your dog's stress and anxiety. But, if none of the options above are working to help alleviate your long haired Dachshund's symptoms of stress and anxiety, then you can always opt to purchase a handful of tools that have been developed for this reason. Luckily, there are all sorts of products on the market that can help your four-legged friend get through stressful situations more easily.

One option to help relieve their anxiety is pheromone therapy. This type of therapy uses dog appeasing pheromones (known as "DAP"), similar to calming aids designed for humans.

Pheromones are subtle chemical signals that act as a kind of social glue between members of the same species and have been found to positively reduce stress in dogs. They are odorless signals, and according to PetMD, "each type of pheromone sends a specific comforting message to the pet, such as 'you are safe here' or 'you belong here.'"

The human nose is not capable of detecting pheromones. However, dogs can detect pheromones through the nasal passages and send them to the limbic system, which is the center of emotion in the brain.

As for how these products work, it's all about timing — the pheromones are only helpful when a dog feels anxious or threatened. The calming pheromones then tell their bodies they're okay, taking some stress off of them.

However, it is essential to note that these pheromones are species-specific, meaning that products for use with cats will not work on dogs and vice versa. So, in order to provide the proper support to your long haired Dachshund puppies, you must invest in an option like these calming dog sprays because they were created specifically for dogs.

Pheromone therapy can help calm your dog during thunderstorms, visits to the veterinarian's office, car rides, and other stressful situations. If your dog suffers from anxiety, you can even use a calming spray designed for dogs on their bed so they finds relief when they go to bed.

A calming dog bed is another way to help relieve anxiety in your long haired Dachshund puppies. The idea is that these beds are supposed to help dogs relax and de-stress, but how can a dog bed accomplish this, exactly? That's a good question!

The thick, plush filling and soft exterior of the bed make it easier for dogs to burrow into the bed as they would in their litter or den. The donut shape can also offer comfort and a sense of protection for your long haired Dachshund. This combination of factors is meant to soothe anxious pups more effectively than other methods. Calming dog beds can be a nice place to relax if your long haired Dachshund is feeling stressed out by loud noise, visitors, or different stressful situations.

long haired dachshund standing on the ground

Travel and Your Long Haired Dachshund Psychological State.

Two significant issues can arise when traveling with your dog. The first is the anxiety your dog may experience at being in an unfamiliar place, such as a kennel or hotel room, which can result in either barking or destructive behavior. The second is fear your dog may experience when traveling by car or plane. If you have ever taken a long trip alone, you will have experienced some degree of anxiety; for most of us, the concern stems from what we might do if we encounter an emergency. Once you get past the "what ifs" that can cause anxiety when traveling alone, you become comfortable with the situation. But, when you're traveling with your dog, the "what ifs" may not be so far-fetched. Therefore, it would be best to focus on keeping your pet calm and comfortable while traveling.

Car trips and airplanes can be a source of stress for many dogs. If your dog is accustomed to being in the car, then you may not have any problem taking them on a vacation or other trip. But if your dog has never before been in the car or on a plane, or if there are existing problems with travel, it can be challenging to manage.

As a responsible guardian to your long haired Dachshund puppies, you can minimize stress and anxiety caused by unfamiliar surroundings and travel by preparing your dogs for the trip.

The first thing to remember is that you want your dog to remain calm and relaxed during the trip. So, if your dog doesn't like being confined, try leaving treats in the crate. Also, you can put some of their bedding there to smell familiar when they go into the crate or carrier. And, you can set a favorite toy or blanket inside; just make sure that it's not hazardous if ingested.

If you take your dog with you when traveling, some form of confinement training will be necessary. The purpose of confinement training is to help your pet become accustomed to being confined in a crate or car seat so that it doesn't cause anxiety or fear when traveling.

If you are introducing your dog to a new form of confinement, such as a car kennel or seatbelt harness, it is essential to start desensitization training well before you travel. One way to do this is to introduce the new confinement method for increasingly more extended periods of time before your actual trip. Once your pet is comfortable in the new confinement method, adding time will also increase its familiarity with being confined.

One of the most popular ways to help relieve your long haired Dachshund from feeling stress and anxiety during travel is with treats! Not only does your dog love snacking on delicious treats like Calming Zen Chews, but they are also made to help relieve your dog's stress intentionally.

Finding a tasty alternative to traditional dog medications for calming dogs is essential to bringing relief to your long haired Dachshund. These homeopathic treats contain natural and pet-safe calming agents, such as Chamomile, L-Theanine, and L-Tryptophan. In addition, they are non-sedating, so your dog can still feel the effects of the calming chews but won't be negatively affected as much by the anxieties or stressors in their environment. These chews can also give you some peace of mind, knowing that your pup is feeling calmer.

Zen chews include 60 chews, which is enough for two weeks of use while you're traveling. You can use these chews as a way to help alleviate your pup's anxiety before going on an extended trip away from home.

And, finding the suitable dog carrier will change the game when it comes to your long haired Dachshund's travel anxiety. For dogs with separation anxiety, the dog carrier is a means of providing comfort and relief from an otherwise impossible situation.

A suitable dog carrier can support the guardian while allowing your pet to retreat into the cave-like interior. In addition, you should try to expose your pet to a variety of carriers so they become accustomed to them and learn that they present no threat. Finally, even if your pet has not shown signs of anxiety while traveling, it's still a good idea to introduce them to a carrier as a place of comfort and shelter.

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