Why Your Cavachon Experience Anxiety

Cavachon gazing upwards at camera

The Cavachon is one of the most popular American hybrid dogs and it’s no wonder, they’re super cute. It’s a mixed breed, the result of the crossing of a Bichon Frise and a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, two of the best-known dogs worldwide.

Of course, the Cavachon is thin, yet muscular and thus, quite beautiful but there’s more to them. They’re not only hypoallergenic but cheerful, energetic, and quite sociable - keep this in mind if you’re considering bringing one home. The Cavachon dog breed is also loyal, affectionate, and docile and usually small to medium sized.

This kind of dog is ideal for families with children and for apartment living, but they’re also great companions to seniors and for those who love to hike. The Cavachon will do best in cold or temperate climates. 

Origin of the Cavachon


The Cavachon arose to cover expectations generated by the characteristics of the original breeds. In this case, they were after a dog with the best physical and psychological characteristics of the Cavalier King Charles and the Bichon Frise. As we said above, this mixed breed emerged in the US, specifically in Pine, Arizona, with the assistance of geneticists and veterinarians. The first Cavachon was born in 1996, so they're quite new.

Currently, the breed doesn’t have an official standard registered with the main international cynological organizations like the International Designer Canine Registry and American kennel Club. It’s only recognized as a hybrid.

Cavachon dog smelling the grass

Characteristics of the Cavachon


The Cavachon has some inherent characteristics, but you must keep in mind that not all puppies are the same. The characteristic of a given puppy depends on which of the two parent breeds predominates in their genetics. This is great because every dog is unique, and it’s impossible to find two identical or even similar ones.

In general, these are small to medium dogs weighing between eight and twenty pounds, and their height at the withers is about nine inches to just over a foot. They’re wide and muscular, rounded and smooth overall, and their legs are well developed. The tail is thick and hanging, upright when alert and so are their medium-sized rounded ears. Likewise, the head is medium-sized and rounded, with a long muzzle and a small, dark nose. Their expressive eyes are large, dark, usually brown, and also round. However, no two specimens are alike, as we said above. 

The coat of the Cavachon is long and silky to the touch although it varies from specimen to specimen. Some have curly hair, some have straight hair, and others have wavy hair. This variation in the coat is explained by the dominant genetics since the Bichon Frise has a curly coat while the Cavalier King Charlescoat is wavy. Whatever the type, it’ll always be a fast-growing soft undercoat when they’re young. You’ll be certain of the type of coat they’ll have as soon as they’re a month old.

There’s no official standard for color but the most frequent ones are brown, white, combinations of black and white or tan, and white and yellowish-orangish spots.

The Cavachon Puppy


Cavachons are remarkably energetic and nervous during their puppy stage. They’re often restless, hyperactive, and always eager to play and explore. These furry little balls weigh about four pounds and their body isn’t fully developed so you must be attentive to any blows or falls as they can be fatal.

Every Cavachon puppy is different but, in general, they’re quite furry and thus, adorable. They’re also quite expressive from a young age. Indeed, Cavachons stand out for their energy. They need to be constantly running, playing, and jumping. Some might even be hyperactive so, again, keep it in mind before adopting one. 

You must channel their energy through games and exercise. They’ll accumulate a lot of energy and turn destructive otherwise. They tend to be barky and are always alert to anything new, especially those dangerous mailmen who leave lots of junk in your mailbox.

As you can see, a Cavachon needs constant attention and affection and doesn’t tolerate loneliness. Again, only adopt one of these dogs if you’re completely sure you can spend lots of time with them. One who spends too much time alone will suffer serious emotional alterations and develop separation anxiety or depression

This doesn’t mean they’re not capable of learning to manage loneliness. You can teach them to be alone but will need the help of an experienced dog trainer or an ethologist. In an ideal environment, the Cavachon will be affectionate and attentive. It’s an ideal pet regardless of whether you live alone or have a large family with children and grandparents in the same household. This kind of dog also gets along famously with other animals since they’re usually sociable.

Cavachon puppies huddled together

Why Your Cavachon Experience Anxiety


As we said above, the Cavachon mainly needs to be active and exercise, both physically and mentally. This is essential to keeping their character balanced and preventing physical or mental alterations. A pet parent can resort to games, park circuits, and long walks to help their dog pal's health and physical needs as well as games of wit and intelligence to promote their intellectual development.

Don’t ignore the attention needs of this kind of dog and remember the Brichon Frise in them can’t tolerate loneliness. You must keep them busy with toys or a special long-lasting treat when you go out. You can address some of the anxiety with a well-balanced quality diet that’ll cover their nutritional needs. Certain foods can help manage the impact of stress on a dog’s body and support their immune system. Some act as stimulants while others act as a calming influence. Talk to your vet about adding some of the following foods to the diet of your Cavachon to see if they can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Foods That Can Help Decrease Anxiety in Your Cavachon

Blueberries are great dog food and can provide yours with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The wild variety has even more valuable polyphenols than cultivated ones. Add a few of them to their bowl.

Kale, spinach, chard, and most leafy greens are packed with vitamins A, B6, C, and K as well as minerals like calcium, manganese, copper, potassium, and iron. They’re also great sources of fiber and loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, and carotenoids. The beta carotene and lutein in kale help protect against oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and even cancer. In turn, the isothiocyanates made from the glucosinolates in kale have stress-protective qualities.

Sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants and a high source of vitamin E. They also contain other important nutrients like vitamins A, B6, and C, calcium, iron, folate, potassium, copper, thiamine, and iron. They’re rich in beta carotene, which plays a significant factor in reducing the risk of certain cancers. Furthermore, the complex carbohydrates of this vegetable help regulate blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. The potassium they contain helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and maintain healthy heart function and reduce anxiety

Beef is a natural antidepressant, the vitamins B in it can help regulate stress levels. For instance, the folate or B9 and pantothenic acid or B5 in it enable the production of anti-stress hormones in the adrenal gland - it controls the release of cortisol. 

Consider adding turkey to your Cavachon’s diet if they seem overly anxious in the evening. It’s a good source of L-tryptophan, often associated with the regulation of sleep. This amino acid also produces “feel-good” chemicals and is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that’ll calm them down and feel collected.

According to research, Omega-3 fatty acids help suppress the production of adrenaline that leads dogs to fight or flight. An excess of adrenaline can lead to anxiety and even aggression, but you can decrease it by including wild salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna. These fatty fish also contain vitamins A and D, which are great to relieve stress. Salmon also contains L-tryptophan.

Hemp can ease joint pain and inflammation. It also supports cardiovascular health and conditions the skin and coat. Not only that but it acts as a digestive aid. Likewise, hemp seed oil contains Omega-3 and 9 so its fatty acid profile is more similar to fish oil than any other vegetable oil. It’s also a valuable source of gluten-free protein, vitamin C and E, and chlorophyll. Thus, it’s a terrific way to support your dog’s immune system and relieve stress. Hemp seed oil doesn’t contain trypsin inhibitors and oligosaccharides, the gas-producing substances present in legumes, and is non-GMO.

Three differnt bowls of healthy food for dogs

Fiber-rich complex carbohydrates like whole oats and whole brown rice slow down the rate of digestion and enhance the absorption of tryptophan, which in turn promote the production of serotonin. This, in turn, prevents spikes in blood sugar levels. Serotonin is nature’s own antidepressant. Furthermore, whole oats and whole brown rice are a great addition to a dog’s diet because they don’t overwhelm their blood with sugars, which can cause a surge in insulin. 

Similarly, Quinoa is a pseudo-grain but most people consider it a true cereal grain as the use and preparation are similar, and so is its nutritional value. Quinoa contains stress-reducing vitamins B, calcium, iron, fiber, potassium, and zinc. Also, it contains eight essential amino acids so it’s a whole protein.

Almonds contain vitamin E and B, and magnesium, and zinc. The first mineral supports healthy nervous system function and the production of “happy” chemicals in the brain. It helps your Cavachon’s body become more resilient to stress by relaxing their nerves and muscles. Some dogs may be allergic to almonds, so again, run it by your vet before feeding them to your pooch. 

Pumpkin seeds contain glutamate and L-tryptophan, both required in the synthesis of the anti-stress chemical GABA. These seeds are a good source of vitamin E, which helps protect tissue cells from free radicals. Not only that, but they also contain contain selenium, an antioxidant that helps support the immune system. Did you know a deficiency in this mineral increases anxiety, depression, and fatigue?

Another way to enhance your dog’s quality of life and improve their well being is by adding our Calming Zen Chews. These tasty homeopathic calming aids help your pup relax when they're anxious or stressed. Give them to your Cavachon when you know they’re going to be in a stressful situation. Each bag includes sixty chews with natural pet-safe calming agents, such as Chamomile, L-Theanine, and L-Tryptophan. It’s a great way to help them better cope with stressful situations, such as being left home alone, thunderstorms, and while traveling.

Again, run all the above by your vet and have them OK it before you add them to your dog’s diet. 

Cavachon with head down on the floor

Cavachon Training


The Cavachon dog is always attentive, alert and ready for activity. This facilitates their training because it’s easy to reward them when they do as you say and encourages them to repeat the desired behavior. This kind of positive reinforcement is effective with all animals as it motivates them to continue learning. 

In turn, punishment or shouting seldom bring good results, and this applies to all breeds. However, this is even more negative in the case of a Cavachon. They won’t just develop stress and anxiety but depression due to their strong dependency bond.

Always correct behavior patiently and respectfully. Be constant. They’ll walk all over you if you let go for a minute and fail to respond to your requests. As we said above, this dog has a playful nature so take advantage of it by playing educational games with them. Some that’ll teach them basic notions such as where to play and where to do their business, among others. They’ll gladly learn anything you want to teach them if they think it’s a game.

Finally, regardless of whether you adopt a Cavachon as a puppy or as an adult, you must give them plenty of opportunities to socialize. You want them to be comfortable and get along with other animals, including the human kind. Don’t neglect this part of their education as you’re dealing with a highly sociable dog.

Cavachon looking out window

How To Help Your Cavachon Manage Separation Anxiety


Any change in a dog’s routine will lead to separation anxiety and destructive behavior although this is mainly due to boredom and lack of stimulation. The first thing you should do is consult a vet so they can rule out any medical problems in your Cavachon. Dogs often pee in the house due to infections or hormonal issues, among other health conditions. 

This kind of behavior could also be due to incomplete house training but certain medications could overstimulate their bladder as well so consult your vet. You can deal with milder cases of separation anxiety by giving your dog a special treat every time you leave. One they can play with for several hours, be it a puzzle, one of those you can stuff with a treat, or the plain treat of their choice. This is a special treat so only give it to them when you leave and take it away when you come back. 

You might want to set up a Calming Cuddle Bed in a designated corner of a room so your Cavachon can have a complete view of their surroundings. Be sure they have plenty of clean water and some familiar items that can help them feel secure. You could also leave out some recently worn clothes so they won’t have to dog out your underwear to get high on you. 


Furthermore, don’t make a big deal out of leaving or coming back but inform them that you’re leaving and reassure them that you’re coming back. Ask them to be good in a normal tone of voice and always ignore them for a few minutes when you return, especially if they’re too excited. This will teach them that calming down will get them your attention.

Remember, a Cavachon needs daily exercise and lots of mental stimulation but pretty much any dog lacking physical and mental stimulation will become destructive and difficult to handle. Don’t give up on your unruly dog, most just want to please their humans. You would surely develop separation anxiety if you didn’t interact with your loved ones for long periods. 

hands reaching out to hold Cavachon

Adopting a Cavachon?


Being a dog owner (we prefer the term dog friend) is the best thing that can happen to you, but it’s also a privilege as well as a responsibility. Don’t bring one home unless you have lots of time for them. This is particularly important if you want to adopt a Cavachon.  

So, you’ve fallen in love with this cutie and are sure you want to share your home with them. You’ve considered all of the characteristics pointed out in this article: their high energy level, a tendency to bark, and their need for affection and companionship. You’ve taken it all into account and are determined to have a Cavachon in your life. Do the world a favor and look for one in your local shelter or animal associations near you. There are many of them currently looking for a family. You won’t only save their life but take a stand against animal neglect and abuse. You can make a difference in one of these animal's life by allowing them to enjoy a happy home. They’ll give you all the love they have to give in return, so it’s a win-win for both.

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